Asking is the beginning of receiving. Asking starts a unique process mental and emotional. I don't even know how it works. All I know is it works. It's like pushing a button and all this Machinery starts working. I don't know how, it just works. There's a lot of things you don't need to know how, just work them
-Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn - The Major KEY to Your Better Future is YOU - Full Seminar (Greek Subtitles)
0:03 You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are
0:20 Income does not far exceed personal development
0:45 Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world, and divided it up equally among everybody, it will soon all be back in the same pockets
0:58 Success is something you attract, not something you pursue. Success is looking for a good place to stay. So instead of going after it, you work on yourself [Personal Development]
1:10 The major question to ask on the job
1:10 The major question to ask on the job is not what am I getting paid here, the major question to ask on the job is what I am becoming here
1:30 True happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is contained in what you become
1:47 It's an unending challenge to see what you can become
2:07 Bible is a good textbook for ideas and stories and success equations - how to live the better life
2:24 If you look at your bank account and your income and you're not happy, there's sever places in the Bible to check to see what the heck's wrong so you can make the changes
2:43 Show me your list of goals
5:41 Human beings are emotional creatures. Emotions are powerful for life change. Emotions are so powerful they can go either way on you. Emotions can either build or destroy. So you really have to employ emotions properly
6:02 If you can intelligently apply your emotions in the right direction no telling what can happen, could turn your life around, one day would be sufficient
6:31 Major key to your better future is you
9:54 Value makes the difference in results. You can't get more time but you can create more value
10:21 We primarily get paid for value. Bringing value to the marketplace - that's how you get paid. You don't get paid for the time. I know it takes time to bring value to the marketplace but you get paid for the value not the time
11:26 It's possible to do much better at the marketplace if you go to work primarily on yourself
11:45 How to develop an above average income?
12:22 One of the most frustrating experiences in life is looking for an above average job with above average pay without becoming an above average person. It's called frustration
12:53 Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job
13:38 If somebody is wealthy and happy you have got to listen
13:44 For things to change for you you've got to change, otherwise it isn't going to change
17:22 The only way it gets better for you is when you get better
14:49 It gets light and turns dark - it's not going to change
17:52 Some people don't do well because they major in minor things. You've got to be on the lookout. At the end of every week, at the end of every month you've got to check make sure you're not spending major time on minor things
18:20 Life and business is like the changing seasons
18:20 Life and business is like the changing seasons. You can not change the seasons but you can change yourself. That's how life gets better for you - not by chance but by change
18:45 You can not change the seasons but you can change yourself
19:25 Learn how to handle the winters
20:01 Song of winter
21:17 You can't get rid of January by tearing it off the calendar. But here's what you can do - you can get stronger, you can get wiser and you can get better. The winters won't change but you can and that's how life changes for you
21:53 Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better; Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills; Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom; That's the key
23:00 Take advantage of the spring
23:21 In fact you have to get good at one of two things in life - planting in the Spring or begging in the Fall or get somebody to do it for you. Those are about the only alternatives
24:23 Learn how to protect your crops all summer. You got to take care of what you start. Sure enough as soon as you've planted your garden in the spring, the busy bugs and the noxious weeds are out to take it. They'll take it, unless you prevent it. You've got to learn to prevent the Intruder from taking all the good you start
25:05 All good will be attacked. Every garden will be invaded, not to think so is naive
25:25 All values must be defended: Political values Social values Community values Family values Marriage values Friendship values Business values ... Every garden must be tended all summer
26:06 Take full responsibility for what happens to you. It's one of the highest forms of human maturity. Accepting full responsibility
26:27 learn to reap in the fall without apology. without apology if you do well, and without complaint if you don’t. That’s maturity
26:42 Reasons for not looking good
29:54 It's not what happens, it's what you do
31:06 Anything can happen
32:35 Disappointments are not special gifts reserved for the poor. Everybody has them. The difference is - what you do about them
33:05 It's not what happens it's what you do
33:43 What are you going to do starting tomorrow that'll make a difference?
35:05 Reach down inside of you and come up with some more of those remarkable human gifts. They're there, waiting to be utilized and then change anything for you you want to change. And I challenge you to do that because you can change
35:25 If you don't like how it is for you change it! If it doesn't suit you change it! If it doesn't please you change it! If it isn't enough change it! And I challenge you to do that because you can change. You don't ever have to be the same again after tonight only by choice
35:43 If you don't like your present address, change it, you are not a tree
36:48 Discipline - major step to human progress. If there is one thing to get excited over - that's it. Get excited over your ability to make yourself do the necessary things
37:15 On any given day you can massively change the direction of your life
37:21 Murder is a clear example that any one person any given day can forever alter the course of their life. It just happens to be a negative act. But just as sure as you can commit a negative act, you can also commit a positive act and forever alter your life. Whenever you wish. That's exciting
38:31 Key to discipline
39:21 I found out you can’t change people. They can change themselves, but you can’t change them. Lord knows some I’ve tried. People have to change themselves
39:10 Self motivation
39:58 Good people are not trained, they are found. You find good people. You don't make them good, you find them good. Training really is for the purpose of finding good people. You don't need much instruction for a good person
40:27 Don't send your ducks to eagles school
41:05 What if they don't show up?
41:52 The first key to doing better is find out. To change your life really you need ideas. There isn't anything an idea can't change
42:01 The problem is lack of an idea on how to create money and wealth. It isn't lack of money it's lack of ideas so if you get the idea so you can change anything. To get ideas you need a constant study of finding out
42:33 Put the information in your journal. Don't use your head for a filing cabinet
41:40 Find out how things work - Capture the ideas in your journal
43:06 If you wish to be successful study success! If you wish to be happy study happiness! If you wish to be wealthy study wealsh! Don't leave it to chance, make it a study! Some people just go through the day with their fingers crossed. See that won't do it. You've got to study the things that can change your economic, social, spiritual personal life!
43:52 You may not be able to do all you find out. But you should find out all you can do
44:20 Be curious like a child
44:59 Curiosity, Excitement, Faith, Trust - Be like a child
45:17 Get excited like a child over your ability to make yourself do anything for change
45:22 Have faith like a child! Adults are too skeptical
45:29 Trust is a childish virtue but the rewards are incredible. So be like a child
45:56 Become a good reader!
46:17 Now that's my opinion. Listen to the other lectures, listen to me and make up your own mind. Don't be a follower, be a student
46:27 Learn from other people's experiences / Read books
48:54 Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is tragedy. You have got to know or you are going to get hurt
49:26 You don't have to like the setup. I don't ask you to like how it is. That's not what's important. But it's important to learn how it is. You don't have to like it but you should learn it
49:45 Make sure you get the information. What you think about it that's up to you. What you're going to do with it that'll soon be up to you but make sure you get it
49:57 There's nothing worse than being stupid. Being broke is bad but being stupid is awful. And what's really bad is being broken stupid. That's about the end of the world. There is not anything much worse than that. Unless you're sick. Sick broken stupid... there is nowhere else to go. So make sure you get the information. It's key. You don't have to like it but learn it!
52:21 Law of use
57:44 Whatever you do not employ you forfeit
54:34 Parable of the talents
52:42 Today unused is lost. A talent unused is lost ...
1:06:01 What does your TV cost?
58:00 Law of sowing and reaping
58:21 Whatever you sow you shall reap
59:24 Whatever you reap is what you've sown. If you don't like the crop who do you look up? Answer - whoever planted it. Where do you find who planted your crop? Answer - in the mirror
1:00:39 Seven points of sowing and reaping
1:00:51 If you sow bad you reap bad. If you plant thistle seeds you don't get pumpkins. If you sow good you reap good. If you plant pumpkin seeds you don't get thistles
1:01:52 You do not reap what you sow but rather you always reap much more than what you sow. You don't get back what you put out. You get back much more than what you put out. It works both positive and negative. On the negative side it said - if you sow to the wind you reap the whirlwind. So you've got to get ready for that or you will be naive
1:01:52 You do not reap what you sow but rather you always reap much more than what you sow
1:02:27 if you sow to the wind you reap the whirlwind. So you've got to get ready for that or you will be naive
1:04:45 sometimes it's going to hail on your crop and rain on your parade so got to get ready for that or you will be naive. That's just part of the life arrangement
1:05:19 If you don't sow you don't reap. You don't even have a chance
1:09:20 If you've got a good idea to share you should share it if there's one or a thousand
1:07:42 Preacher and Cowboy story
1:12:45 Reasons make the difference in how your life works out
1:13:46 If I had a million dollars ...
1:14:16 Sometimes we will do things for somebody else we will not do for ourselves. We are made that way
1:14:49 How fortunate are the people that find themselves greatly affected by somebody for personal achievement
1:12:45 Reasons for doing well
1:12:23 Reasons come first, answers come second. You don't get the answers to do well until you get the reasons
1:11:47 Reasons can change your life
1:12:36 Life has a mysterious way of hanging on to all the answers and only gives them up to the people that are inspired by reasons
1:13:16 Working for joy, satisfaction,.. not for money
1:13:46 Somebody says to me - "If I had a million dollars I'd never work another day in my life". That's probably why the good Lord does not give them a million. They'd quit. They'd quit
1:15:27 What was Andrew Carnegie's goal?
1:17:29 Mister, You are really something!
1:22:04 Budget Finance story
1:24:19 Robert's "lost" his mind
1:25:44 The best revenge is massive success
1:27:03 Your better future is a dream for yourself and for your family - where do you want to go, what do you want to do, what do you want to be, what do you want to see... You've got to dream dreams. There's a Bible phrase that says - without dreams and visions people perish. You've got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul
1:30:24 Part of the fun of having a list is checking it off
1:30:41 When you check off something major, celebrate! Celebrate your achievements. Live it up! Have a party when you reach something you've worked for for a while
1:31:01 Pain of losing & Joy of winning
1:33:10 Many people work hard on their job but they don't work hard on their future. They just let that slide. And the work involved is making plans. I know most people don't. I understand that. But don't let that be you!
1:34:08 Somebody once wisely said - the people who fail to plan are planning to fail
1:34:20 Write your goals down
1:35:56 The guy is 50 and he's broke and he's still smiling, that's not good
1:36:06 Get serious about your goals
1:36:40 Different size and kinds of goals
1:36:56 Your goals are affecting you
1:37:17 Lousy goals
1:38:20 How to get whatever you want?
1:38:44 Ask! That's it
1:40:04 Asking is the beginning of receiving
1:40:30 Some people are always studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. I mean it depends on what end of it you want in on
1:40:40 Asking is the beginning of receiving so start the process
1:41:41 Don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon
1:40:44 Receiving is automatic. Good worker & Poor asker
1:42:31 Ask with intelligence! Be clear! Be specific!
1:43:00 Goals become like a magnet. They pull you that direction and the better you describe them the more they pull
1:43:15 Ask with faith!
1:43:13 Ask with faith! That's the childish part of the equation. Believe you can get what you want like a child, not an adult. Adults are too skeptical
1:43:37 Make plans like an adult and believe in them like a child and the most incredible things will happen. Just try it for 90 days. Just try it
1:44:05 You won't get everything you want. Simply sometimes it hails on your crop and rains on your parade. It's that kind of planet. But if you will work this goal setting formula you can get plenty for wealth and happiness
1:45:17 Disgust says - I've had it!
1:48:08 If it's easy do it easy, if it's hard do it hard just get it done!
1:48:18 If you went home tonight and in the next few days cleaned up a whole list of decisions that might furnish enough inspiration for the next 10 years. After you've decided getting on with it is easier than deciding. Sometimes decision is the toughest part
1:49:41 Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening
1:49:00 Welcome every human experience
1:49:41 Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening. So let down the barriers. Take down the walls. The same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness. Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
1:49:56 Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
1:50:08 Resolve says - I will
1:50:35 I will do it or die
1:51:04 Definition of resolve
1:52:42 Jesus the master teacher said - don't just be listeners, be doers. The world admires the doers
1:53:04 Timid approach to life
1:55:02 Don't ask for security, ask for adventure!
1:53:29 The language of the poor
1:53:48 It's all risky
1:55:07 Better to live 30 years full of adventure than 100 years safe in the corner
1:35:16 It's not important how long you live what's important is how you live
1:55:31 Pessimism - attitude disease
1:55:37 All he needs is one, he's got five
1:56:31 What affects us most?
1:56:48 Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think they are affects us most
1:57:07 Poor thinking habits
1:57:21 Mind is like a mental factory. Whatever you think about all day long pours ingredients into this mental factory and that's what builds economic, social, financial fabric of your life
1:57:39 As you think, so you become
1:58:28 The guy says - I want to be a great leader
1:59:30 How to build a good life?
2:00:14 Watch your coffee!
2:01:17 Every day stand guard at the door of your mind
2:01:40 You decide what goes into your mental factory. Don't let anybody just dump anything they want to in your mental factory because you've got to live with the results
2:02:10 Complaining, crying, whining, griping...
2:02:43 Result of complaining
2:04:19 Make sure you're winning the war / defend all the good you start!
Jim Rohn - Get Up & Save Yourself - Powerful Motivational Speech
If you learn ...
If you learn that makes life worthwhile. You've got to learn!
Never cease your quest for learning! Never stop learning!
If you try ...
If you stay ...
Developing staying power - that's one of the big challenges of life. Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. They don't stay...
If you care ...
If you care it all, you'll get some results. If you care enough you'll get incredible results
Just get ready for tomorrow's conversations today. Get ready for next month this month. Get ready for next year this year. Always be a day ahead and a step ahead and a year ahead ...
Repetition helps you to get better
Everybody is gone, tell me the truth now
To be sincere, it's got to be true. You just can't come up with sincerity telling with erroneous story. You might make it sound sincere but sure enough, someday, it'll some back to haunt you
You just got to be sincere. Tell the truth. The truth is so powerful. You don't need to dress it up with fiction
Be brief! Make your story short!
If you want to be effective in communication you've got to be brief. On any one point you can't linger long
Develop your own style!
Analyze what's going on between you and whoever you're talking to, another person, whether it's a business conversation or a social conversation - you've got to be keenly aware of what's happening to whoever you're communicating with
Jim Rohn - Why Only 2% Succeed - Powerful Motivational Speech
For economic safety for the future my personal advice - you've got to have more than one skill
Learn more than one skill
Learn more than one language
How many languages can a child learn?
We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace
The value you become like an entrepreneur, a leader, a teacher, supervisor, manager,.. what you become also pays much more than what you bring
Go to work on yourself harder than you work on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you could make a fortune
Anybody that wants to get paid
Success is something you attract, by becoming an attractive person. Success is not something you pursue, it's what you attract, by becoming attractive. Multiple skills, multiple languages
Each person's income is determined primarily by their philosophy not by the economy. Once I understood that, then I said - I don't have to go to work on the economy. You only have to go to work on yourself, to make yourself more valuable
The more we learn, the more we know the better we are able to make better decisions
The game of life
Learn from personal experience. One way to learn to do something write is - first do it wrong. Mess up and then you say WOW! That was costly, I'm never gonna do that again. Sometimes a negative experience turns out finally to be positive
Wake up call
If you will change, everything will change for you!
If you'll start making personal changes your income will change, your health will change, your future will change. Everything will change If you're willing to start making the changes
Always keep a journal. Don't trust your memory. If you want to live a dynamic life, multiplying your income, multiplying your future, be a good student. If a good idea comes your way write it down, then ponder it, then perhaps go do it
Three ways to learn from other people
Pay attention!
Be a selective listener! Listen to voices of value that have experience, ideas, reputation, something valuable to share
Read all the books! There's millions of books so you can't read all the books but read all the books you need to read to make you as wealthy as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as prosperous, as productive, as unique human being as you want to be. Don't leave those books go unread
Our lives are greatly affected by what we learn and what we know
There's nothing worse than being stupid
Learn all you can! We are affected by what we know so get the information. Don't be lazy in learning. Don't be lazy in going through the books, building your library, coming to classes like this consistently, consistently. Some of them will be so dramatic your life will never be the same
Use your past as one of your mentors
It's important to make the past useful. Past experience, even past losses, past failures, as well as successes, to review it, go back over it, see where you went wrong, correct that, invest that now in the future
Don't live in the past and don't carry the past around like a burden but simply use your past as one of your mentors, to help refine mistakes, make some changes that you can invest now in the future
We look back for experience but we look forward for inspiration
Build your life! Design your future!
What do you want to do the next 10 years?
Build your life!
Go Toro!
Building a life is a lot more important than building a house and yet people treat it so carelessly and so casually about making plans for what they want their life to work out to be
From the past we get experience, from the future we get excitement, inspiration, by setting goals
Set the goals that will turn you on, goals that will get you excited, put everything on your list
Each of us need all of us
It takes all of us for each of us to be successful. Each of us need all of us and all of us need each of us
Nothing is more powerful than self confidence to start multiplying your income by 2 by 3 by 5 by 10
Nothing is more powerful than self confidence to start multiplying your income by 2 by 3 by 5 by 10. It comes from self esteem. Doing the things you know you should do, and at the end of this day your self esteem is soaring and high. You've met the people you said you'd meet; You made the calls you said you would make; You did the things that you required of yourself to do... and at the end of the day you feel great about yourself. That's one of the greatest motivating factors for the future - self esteem - feeling good about yourself
You can't linger too long in the rest mode. You have got to go back to work. Six days of work, then rest and spirituality and friendship and change of pace. And then go back over the last six days - what did I do, what did I mess, who did I miss, what happened,.. so that I can invest those corrections in the next six days of higher productivity. Six days of work, one day of rest. Don't get the numbers mixed up
Imagination and faith must be deposited in activity or it is wasted
Have faith and then build it, make it real
Go to work and build a better career! Go to work and build good health! You can't have good health without the work.
No pain - no gain. You've got to do the work!
Work produces: The miracle of good health. The miracle of a career. The mriacle of a relationship. The mriacle of a fortune. Only humans can do this. No other life form can imagine and create something from nothing!
Learn to measure progress!
Learn to measure progress! Once you've set up a project, now you want to turn nothing into something, now you must measure your progress. How are you doing?
Life expects us to make measurable progress in reasonable time. That's the game of life
Measure your own progress. Success is a numbers game
One of the greatest motivating factors in the world is progress. And if you'll measure it, you'll get excited
Productivity to MAX
The best support system in the world is good friends. Collect and nourish those as priceless. Good friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you
Good friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you
Keep your heritage alive!
Whatever you believe in terms of spirituality study, practice and teach! Don't leave your spirituality unstudied. Don't leave it unpracticed and Don't leave it untaught
Take special care of the inner circle
Jim Rohn - Become The Best At Anything - Powerful Motivational Speech
Be a student not a follower. Somebody says - I read this book should I follow? The answer is - no, read at least 2 books and make up your own mind.
Be independent. Take advice but not orders. Only give yourself orders. Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusion
Debate all the ideas
Half dozen basic things
Success is not doing extraordinary things, success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well
Poor people can talk and rich people can talk, looks like rich people talk better. It's just learning A skill with a high degree of precision. Learning to speak is called survival, learning to speak well is called success. So we can speak well enough to survive or we can speak the extra well enough to succeed
Philosophy is simply what you know and what you know greatly affects how your life works out
What you don't know greatly affects how your life works out. The idea you miss could be the missing number in trying to put the numbers in the lock
What you don't know will hurt you
Ignorance is not bliss. It's important to know, it's important to get the information
Weight everything
Weigh before you pay
Poor thinking habits keep most people poor. Not poor working habits. Most people work hard but they don't think hard
If you really want to help somebody / motivated idiot
Keep up the learning process after school
Life is accumulative. Our errors either accumulate into what we don't get, or our wise decisions accumulate into what we do get. Now the key is to correct the errors as early as possible
How much money have you invested in the last six years?
You can't do what you don't know. But the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep occurring to you - now you can do more wise things. But philosophy is where it all begins - what you know
No matter what they pay I always come early and I always stay late, to invest in my own future. Is not it fascinating? Attitude is by choice. You can either choose to come early or you can choose to come late. You can either choose to leave early or you can choose to stay late. Attitude is a matter of choice
Emotions must go to school to learn where the values are
How we feel is going to greatly determine how our life works out
Use past as a school!
Set goals!
If you don't feel good about the future by having goals set you take what we call uncertain steps
Set goals, write them down, design the future
How the day goes is greatly determined by your confidence about the future
You can't succeed by yourself
If you want to do well it takes all of us to help each of us. You can't succeed by yourself
Learn from other people's experiences
Self esteem comes from engaging in the disciplines that lead to value
To bring value from potential we need the disciplines
One of the major things that makes us not feel good about ourselves is not engaging in the disciplines
The greatest lift of self esteem is doing the best you can
Ant's philosophy
To feel good about yourself do the best you can. Gather all you can during the summer
Ant's don't settle for half. They go for all. All you possibly can, do the best you can.
To feel good about yourself do the best you can. Gather all you can during the summer. We call that the Ant's philosophy. Ant's don't settle for half. They go for all. All you possibly can, do the best you can. The greatest lift of self esteem is doing the best you can
Success is a doing. You actually now have to do it
God has designed that the major part of the value of our life Is left to our own mental genius. You have got to decide what you want to become. Then you have to simply go do it, engaging in the disciplines
What should be the ratio of work and rest?
Don't rest too long. It's a push-shove world
It's push-shove world. So you can't relax too much and you can't rest too long. If you rest too long the weeds take the garden. And if you don't think so, we call you naive!
Make rest a necessity not an objective. The objective of life is not to rest. The objective of life is to accomplish. Full growth. Full accomplishment. Test the outer limits of your abilities. That's what life is all about. See what all you can do
The average syndrome
People who live mediocre lives are always looking forward to getting off. Successful people are always looking forward to getting on. Successful people don't want OFF, they want ON. They want to get on with the job. They rest only enough to gather strength
Whatever your hands currently find to do, do it with all your might. Whatever you are doing do it with all your might. We call that "philosophy on activity". How hard should you work? - As hard as you can!
When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't play at work. Don't work at play. Make best use of your time. When you are working pour it on and when you are playing - have a good time, but don't play at work
Do the best you can! In activity we call it "doing your best". That's all we ask, simply - your BEST
If you want to put together a championship team, one simple requirement for all those who participate - just do your best. If everybody does their best, whatever that brings us to #1, #2 wherever we arrive when the final count is made is OKAY if we all know when it's over - WE DID OUR BEST
If you are capable of making a half million dollars a year and you make $50,000 a year, we call you LOSER. We don't call you LOSER because of the difference between $50,000 and a half million, we call you LOSER because you are not doing your best
If you do your best and you make $10,000 a year, that's enough. If you do your best and you make a million a year, that's enough. Enough is not the difference between $10,000 and a million, ENOUGH is simply - doing the best you can
How much is enough? Do your BEST!
Full Effort
Results is the name of the game
That's what life is all about - putting the first three together: 1. Good philosophy; 2. Attitude; 3. High activity - to get the ultimate called RESULTS. Results is the name of the game
The challenge of life is to make measurable progress in reasonable time
It's unacceptable! Pressure demands for the rest of life
Make the demands on yourself
How many books will the community demand that you read every month approximately? About none! So if you are going to do the extra reading, guess what? You've got to develop that philosophy and put that pressure on yourself
Check results!
Happiness is an art, not an accident
Money does not solve the happiness challenge. To be happy you got to study and practice happiness
Culture is a study. It's not an amount. Somebody says - if you have an amount of money you will be cultured - the answer is: No. Culture is a study. Culture is a refinement of the mind. Tu be cultured you must study culture and practice culture. Money does not solve the culture challenge
A rose on time is more valuable than a thousand dollar gift too late. It's not the amount that counts, it's the genius that counts. It's the ideas that count
How to be happy with what you've got while you pursue what you want
10 years from now you will arrive. The question is: Where? Now is the time fix the next 10 years
Jim Rohn: Why Not You, Why Not Now
Jim Rohn - Focus On Yourself Not Others - Jim Rohn's Best Ever Motivational Speech
Girl Scout story
Good ideas are reserved for those that search
Nothing is so powerful than
Nothing is so powerful ..
You've got three numbers ...
Chances are excellent if you keep going
Keep going to as many things as you can get to
No one person has all the answers
To live an extraordinary life
Take care of yourself
I'll take care of me for you ...
Producing far more than you need for yourself and for your family
Ideas plus inspiration
No one person has all the answers. No one person has all the ideas
It's one of life's greatest experiences - when your name appears in somebody's testimonial
You've got to read this book! / Deliver value to someone's life
Be thankful for what you already have
Cynicism locks all the doors
No matter how well you are doing ...
Be eager to learn
You have to do what we call some tough listening
For things to change for you, you have to change
Don't wish it was easier
Don't wish for less problems
That's all the company pays YOU!
What is the key to greatness, wealth, abundance, extraordinary life?
Find a way to serve many people
John Kennedy - don't ask what the country can do for you
Ask - what can I do for my country?
Johnny mows Mrs Brown's Lawn
If you help enough people what they want ...
You can't change the seasons but you can change yourself
Work harder on yourself
Your income is primarily determined by your philosophy
Success is something you attract
The key to the better economic future
You don't have to go to Iraq to lose your life
Take advantage of the day
Whose side are you on?
Opposites are in conflict and we are in the middle
Push and Shove
Nourish and give life like a mother ...
Protect your garden!
Women are good, women are unusual!
Battle with the mind!
Would you finish this book?
Behold and Beware
Behold the possibilities and beware the dangers
Life was not designed to give you what you need, life was designed to give you what you deserve. If you didn't plant in the spring, then no harvest comes your way. If you planted little, then you are not gonna receive a lot
Build your financial security for you and your family on the rock and not on the sand
There is so many things you can do about gathering resources and wisely investing them so that you and your family are secure. Here's one thing to strive to become early in your life and career - financially independent - so that nobody or nothing has a claim on your assets. Accomplish that as quickly as possible
Sarah's incredible story
Don't buy a second car until you buy a second house. It's not cars that make you rich, it's houses that make you rich
If there is one thing to be a fanatic about it's your health. Take care of yourself. The Bible describes it this way: treat your body like a temple. That's a good word. Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed, a temple - something you take extremely good care of
Physical support system
The book you don't read won't help
We need more than one party so we can discuss ideas
Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion
Read both books and make up your own mind!
Engage in thoughtful study and vigorous debate
Read the best you can, study the best you can, take the best notes you can and then do this - then you decide out of all of that which is valuable enough to try, valuable enough to do and add to the dimensions of your life that are already underway - that's the key for study, exercising the mind
Capital belongs to the people not the state
Don't be afraid of the debate
Be in every class you possibly can. Stay as long as you can. The key is not to be careless in the gathering of knowledge, not to be casual in the ideas that could double your health, triple your income, accelerate your career, secure your fortune, amplify your harvest, so don't be careless in the gathering of ideas. Absorb every one you possibly can
Let life touch you! Let the stories touch you! Let the drama touch you! Let life touch you but don't let it kill you! Let sad things make you sad! Let happy things make you happy! There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry! Laugh with those that laugh and also learn to cry with those that cry! Allow yourself to be touched, moved by the drama! Be touched by good ideas! Be touched by opportunity! Be touched by someone's unique little sentence that might cause you to open your eyes to see things you never saw before!
Go back over notes again
Purpose of the seventh day
The possibilities are absolutely endless and unlimited. Imagine the possibilities
How to turn nothing into something
If I can do it, you can do it. What's possible for one, is possible for another
Deposit your imagination and faith into high, skillful, disciplined activity
Take the classes to learn the skills. Get around people that will teach you the disciplines
Activity finishes the miracle process of turning nothing into something
What to do on the seventh day?
Take joy in the work / how do you stay so excited all the time?
If you struggle to make something clear for someone else, it helps to make it more clear for you
Develop the ability to share