All values must be defended: Political values Social values Community values Family values Marriage values Friendship values Business values ... Every garden must be tended all summer
It's not what happens, it's what you do
It's not what happens that determines the quality or the quantity of your life. It's what you do that changes everything. What happens is about the same. What people do - that's what's different
The distribution of the idea of individual sovereignty and property rights and free market economies out into the non-western world is making the non-western world rich really really really fast
The injunction behind religious thought, fundamentally, is that you should live your life in such a way that the suffering it has to contain because you are confined and vulnerable, is justified
თქვენი განწყობა პირდაპირ განსაზღვრავს თქვენ ცხოვრებას, თავიდან ბოლომდე
Work harder on yourself
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living, which is fine. But if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune, which is super fine
You can't do what you don't know. But the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep occurring to you - now you can do more wise things. But philosophy is where it all begins - what you know
გამარჯვებული ის არის, ვინც თავის გამარჯვებას არ ეძებს სხვის დამარცხებაში
If you are radically left and you are playing the identity politics game there is actually no such thing as free speech because you are only the mouthpiece of your group whether you know it or not
You have to pursue things of value. If you do it with other people cooperatively and competitively, then you are going to produce differential outcome because people will be differently good at it
Your family is more messed up than it could be, if you were less messed up than you are. So if you just got your act together like ten percent more your family would be one percent better. Do it!
ჯობია სუსტად იცოდე შენი საგანი (თუმცა ესაც ცუდია), მაგრამ ბავშვი გიყვარდეს
ჰუმანური საქართველოს მე-3 მცნება
ოჯახი ფუძეა ჩვენი განვითარებისა, ჩვენი ცხოვრებისა. ეს პატარა სახელმწიფოა.
Don't live in the past and don't carry the past around like a burden but simply use your past as one of your mentors, to help refine mistakes, make some changes that you can invest now in the future
If enough of us realized divine responsibility sufficiently, there is nothing we could not accomplish, there is no desert we could not make bloom, there is no reason for zero sum malthusian pessimism
არ არსებობს უნიჭო და ზარმაცი ბავშვი, არსებობს მხოლოდ შეზღუდული პედაგოგიკა
The landscape of interpretation is almost infinite but the landscape of applicable functional interpretation is unbelievably constrained and I think that constraint system is what we regard as ethics
There is more to you than you think, there is more than enough potential to go around. There is definite suffering and malevolence in the world. We could fix it. You haven't got anything better to do
ძალიან ძნელი ყოფილა, სრულყოფილი ადამიანი გახდე. მაგრამ რომ არ გახდე - ცოდვაა
Get your act together! Have a vision! Straighten our your life! Say what you think! Stay away from the ideological idiocies and simplicity and oversimplifications and try to put yourself together!
არავინ არის შენი მტერი, არავინ არის შენი მეგობარი, ყველა შენი მასწავლებელია
თქვენ უნდა გაიმარჯვოთ აღზრდაში, რათა თქვენმა შვილმა გაიმარჯვოს ცხოვრებაში
Become a good reader!
All of the successful people I know and work with around the world they're all good readers. Curiosity drives them to read. They have got to know. They just read read read read ... Become a good reader!
If you are a group of isolated humans and you meet another group of isolated humans and you trade pathogens there's a real possibility that you and everyone you know are going to be dead in no time flat