Developing staying power - that's one of the big challenges of life. Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. They don't stay...
When you do something that you should not do, it's worse than you think and when you do something that you should do, it's better than you think
Between 2000 and 2012 the rate of absolute poverty in the world fell by half. It was the fastest period of economic development in human history
Take advantage of the day
Take advantage of the day when it arrives because the day will soon finish. Take advantage of the year because it will soon close. Take advantage
Equality of outcome is a powerfully anti-capitalistic. It's powerfully anti-western. Why you would let that into your company? It's a big mistake
How much socioeconomic success are you willing to sacrifice to spend time with your kids before they're three years old? That should not be none!
Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world, and divided it up equally among everybody, it will soon all be back in the same pockets
There is something extraordinarily dangerous about having people revert to identification with their racial identity. It's really not a good thing
Be a student not a follower. Somebody says - I read this book should I follow? The answer is - no, read at least 2 books and make up your own mind.
What you don't know greatly affects how your life works out. The idea you miss could be the missing number in trying to put the numbers in the lock
Whatever consciousness is, it comes in masculine and feminine embodiments. The masculine and feminine embodiment are equally representations of God
Even if you don't know the history but have a complete understanding of human beings, you would say - well, equality of outcome does not make sense
The ability to speak your truth is the bulwark against hell, and losing your job? That's nothing, compared to where things can go when they go badly
One of the things you'd like to know if you wanted to know something deep about yourself is that you could face the worst that there was and prevail
Something can have evolved as a virtue in some circumstances and still be of the type that if magnified beyond its proper limits becomes pathological
If you have good measures of conscientiousness and IQ, you can predict someone's success in the competitive landscape with a correlation of about 0.6
The truth is something that burns. It burns off deadwood, and people don't like having their deadwood burnt off often because they're like 95% deadwood
The fundamental measurement of unit is the individual and the fundamental task of the individual is to engage in the process of humble self-improvement
If you can intelligently apply your emotions in the right direction no telling what can happen, could turn your life around, one day would be sufficient
Sort yourself out, marshal your arguments and put yourself in order so that when someone pushes you a little further than you should go, you can say no!
The problem with hierarchies is that they can get too steep and destabilize everything. That does happen. That particularly happens in the sexual domain
No one person has all the answers. No one person has all the ideas
No one person has all the answers. No one person has all the ideas. We need to gather ideas from a variety of voices and from a variety of experience ...
It's not like what's coming isn't dangerous, it's dangerous, but your best bet is to be dancing on your feet and ready for it, pay attention and be awake
There is only one reason to remember the past - to be prepared for the future. What you are supposed to do it to take the past and extract wisdom from it