მარტონი მიზნებს ძნელად ვაღწევთ ან ვერც კი ვაღწევთ
კრიტიკული აზროვნება არის განვითარების საშუალება
Once you make enough money to keep the bill collectors at bay, additional money doesn't improve your quality of life. Other things do
The proper goal of a Christian roughly speaking is to enact the meta pattern of Christ's life in their own to make it their own story
თითოეული ჩვენი ქცევა მიზეზია მომავალი შედეგებისა
You are much more inclined to let other people live their lives if you are living your life in a satisfactory manner. That's exactly it
აი ეს არის ნამდვილი მიზანი - საკუთარ ძალთა სრულყოფა
Maybe ten times as many people can listen to complex information as can read complex information in terms of their ability to process it
Almost all the people hyper focused on things are almost all men and all the people who are hyper focused on people are almost all women
There is a hole in our culture where there should be a discussion about maturity, truth and responsibility. No one is talking about that
In order for society to progress you have to allow the individual to compete in a relatively untrammeled space so that they can innovate
The major question to ask on the job is not what am I getting paid here, the major question to ask on the job is what I am becoming here
იქ, სადაც ფიზიკური ძალა იმარჯვებს, მარცხდება ზნეობა
Keep going to as many things as you can get to
Chances are excellent if you keep going. Keep going to as many things as you can get to in terms of information, ideas, seminars, lectures
Make plans like an adult and believe in them like a child and the most incredible things will happen. Just try it for 90 days. Just try it
Be independent. Take advice but not orders. Only give yourself orders. Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusion
The envious and the resentful can use compassion as a camouflage for their true intent which is to tear down anyone who has more than them
The man who are winning should be allowed to win and the woman should be allowed to choose. Yes except that there's the problem of children
ხალხი დიდხანს ცოცხლობს იქ, სადაც...
ხალხი დიდხანს ცოცხლობს იქ, სადაც ასაკს სცემენ პატივს
To live an extraordinary life
From testimonials and personal experience we have enough information to conclude that it's possible to design and live an extraordinary life
The antidote to the suffering and the malevolence is to take on more responsibility for themselves and for other people. That's aspirational
Every single person who sets out to put themselves together ethically is a net positive to everyone around them. There is no downside to that
The thing that sustains people through life really is the lifting of a worthwhile burden. We are evolved to be useful to the people around us
The value you become like an entrepreneur, a leader, a teacher, supervisor, manager,.. what you become also pays much more than what you bring