Make rest a necessity not an objective. The objective of life is not to rest. The objective of life is to accomplish. Full growth. Full accomplishment. Test the outer limits of your abilities. That's what life is all about. See what all you can do
Get the hell out of where you are safe into what you don't know. You are going to find the catastrophes of life but if you keep yourself morally oriented and you make the right sacrifices then you can transcend the catastrophe of being and prevail
No matter how bad your situation is, if you stand up and face it, with a noble vision, with discipline and intent, you can go far farther to overcoming it than you can imagine. And that's the principle upon which you should predicate your behavior
If you are capable of making a half million dollars a year and you make $50,000 a year, we call you LOSER. We don't call you LOSER because of the difference between $50,000 and a half million, we call you LOSER because you are not doing your best
Meta rule - you have to discipline yourself
The rule might not be - "follow this rule!" The rule might be - "you have to follow some rules!" It's a meta rule - "you have to discipline yourself" And the issue is how? That's not really the relevant question. You can pick a disciplinary path
ავივსოთ გული და სული სიბრძნით, იმიტომ, რომ სიბრძნეა ყველა ბედნიერების ერთ-ერთი ოქროს გასაღები
თავისუფლება უდრის წესიერებას
თავისუფლება მიიღწევა მხოლოდ იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ შენ ხარ წესიერი. თავისუფლება უდრის წესიერებას
ლამაზი იეროგლიფები წერეთ, თქვენზე ათასჯერ ლამაზი, რომ მერე იმისთანა გახდებით, როგორსაც დაწერთ
შვილებს ცოდნის ნაცვლად განათლება უნდა მივცეთ. განათლება და ცოდნა განსხვავდება ერთმანეთისგან
ჩემო სიხარულო
ბებიებმა იციან ხოლმე - "ჩემო სიხარულო" - ბავშვებს ეფერებიან. ასე მოეფერეთ "ჩემო სიხარულო" სხვასაც
If you went home tonight and in the next few days cleaned up a whole list of decisions that might furnish enough inspiration for the next 10 years. After you've decided getting on with it is easier than deciding. Sometimes decision is the toughest part
What does the person who loses something important with grace do?
What does the person who loses something important with grace do? The answer is fairly straightforward - he accepts the defeat and thinks - okay what is it that I have left to improve that will decrease the possibility of a similar defeat in the future
If you are not a disciplined person it's uncomfortable, it's going to be painful, it's frustrating... You have to force yourself into this things. It's a muscle that has to be developed. These patterns have to be developed in your mindset. Incrementally
If you overestimate your abilities you're in deep trouble because you're gonna get a wake-up call. Objectivity is one of the most critical aspects of development. You have to be objectively assessing your strength and weaknesses at every step of the way
The better the goal the more full and rich your experience is going to be when you pursue it. That's one of the reasons for developing a vision and for fleshing yourself out philosophically because you want to aim at the highest goal that you can manage
სიძნელე იმისთვის არსებობს, რომ ადამიანად იქცე. თუ ყველაფერი ადვილი იქნება, ადამიანი ვერ გახდები
No matter what you are acting out some people are way better at it than others. Doesn't matter if it's basketball or hockey or plumbing or law it doesn't matter. As soon as there is something valuable and you are doing it collectively there is a hierarchy
ქართველ კაცს აქვს ნათქვამი - სახლი რომ გეწვოდეს, ხელი მოითბეო. იწვის უკვე და ამით მაინც ისარგებლე
People who live mediocre lives are always looking forward to getting off. Successful people are always looking forward to getting on. Successful people don't want OFF, they want ON. They want to get on with the job. They rest only enough to gather strength
Disgust sensitivity is associated with orderliness and you need order in a society in order to maintain it and the Germans are very orderly and that was actually a canonical part of their civilization and part of actually what makes them great and powerful
პატრიოტი სიცოცხლის გამწირველია. თუ დასჭირდება, უნდა თავიც დადო. აბა, სხვა რას დავარქვათ პატრიოტი?
If you took advantage of every opportunity you have, if you crawl through every window that was open to you, if you lived as perfectly as you could, your life would be justifiable on its own terms, despite it's suffering. And despite the tragedy in the world
შენ ისეთი კონცეფცია უნდა შექმნა, რომ შენთვისაც და შენი ახლობლებისთვისაც ცხოვრება გახადო უკეთესი
სკოლა მასწავლებელშია
ჯერ მასწავლებელი ვინ არის, და მერე დანარჩენი ვიკითხოთ. შენობები არაა სკოლა. სკოლა მასწავლებელშია