Ego is the enemy
Be curious like a child
As you think, so you become
Make the demands on yourself
Don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon
Success is not in short supply
Whatever you sow you shall reap
Results is the name of the game
Anything can happen
If anything can go wrong it will
What you don't know will hurt you
The book you don't read won't help
Agreeableness motivates aggression
The best revenge is massive success
People can't exist without a purpose
Happiness is an art, not an accident
Major key to your better future is you
It's not what happens it's what you do
Don't send your ducks to eagles school
Whatever you do not employ you forfeit
if the why is powerful the how is easy
Don't do interviews that will be edited
We are not going to run out of potential
Agreeableness is a maternal instinct trait
Don't ask for security, ask for adventure!
Have faith and then build it, make it real