If you have good measures of conscientiousness and IQ, you can predict someone's success in the competitive landscape with a correlation of about 0.6
თავისუფლება არის როდესაც ძალიან სწორი ცნობიერება გაქვს
The truth is something that burns. It burns off deadwood, and people don't like having their deadwood burnt off often because they're like 95% deadwood
The fundamental measurement of unit is the individual and the fundamental task of the individual is to engage in the process of humble self-improvement
Sort yourself out, marshal your arguments and put yourself in order so that when someone pushes you a little further than you should go, you can say no!
If you can intelligently apply your emotions in the right direction no telling what can happen, could turn your life around, one day would be sufficient
The problem with hierarchies is that they can get too steep and destabilize everything. That does happen. That particularly happens in the sexual domain
It's not like what's coming isn't dangerous, it's dangerous, but your best bet is to be dancing on your feet and ready for it, pay attention and be awake
No one person has all the answers. No one person has all the ideas
No one person has all the answers. No one person has all the ideas. We need to gather ideas from a variety of voices and from a variety of experience ...
There is only one reason to remember the past - to be prepared for the future. What you are supposed to do it to take the past and extract wisdom from it
ამბობენ - სიტყვა აზრის პატარა გემია, რომელსაც აზრი მოაქვსო
Let's pick the one in a hundred most aggressive person from the random population. Well, they are all men. And that's why all the people in prison are men
When you check off something major, celebrate! Celebrate your achievements. Live it up! Have a party when you reach something you've worked for for a while
You should treat yourself as if you are valuable, especially in potential. But you should concentrate on who you should become, especially if you are young
სევდა სიზარმაცის ნაყოფია, სიზარმაცე - ენერგიის უკმარისობა
აღზრდის საუკეთესო მეთოდი
ყველაზე კარგი აღზრდა მაშინაა, როცა ბავშვი მაგალითს ხედავს
Learn to measure progress! Once you've set up a project, now you want to turn nothing into something, now you must measure your progress. How are you doing?
A rose on time is more valuable than a thousand dollar gift too late. It's not the amount that counts, it's the genius that counts. It's the ideas that count
sometimes it's going to hail on your crop and rain on your parade so got to get ready for that or you will be naive. That's just part of the life arrangement
If you know that you're the one that can transcend your problems most fundamentally then you have the faith that would enable you to take stock of who you are
I found out you can’t change people. They can change themselves, but you can’t change them. Lord knows some I’ve tried. People have to change themselves
Words are a virus
You don't know what the hell is coming at you when you let something new inside the dominance hierarchy, whether it's an idea or a disease. Words are a virus!
Make sure you get the information. What you think about it that's up to you. What you're going to do with it that'll soon be up to you but make sure you get it
ვერწმუნოთ სიკეთის ძალას და ვემსახუროთ საერთო კეთილდღეობას