If you are a group of isolated humans and you meet another group of isolated humans and you trade pathogens there's a real possibility that you and everyone you know are going to be dead in no time flat
ერთგულება სიყვარულის გამოცდაა, სიყვარული კი თავი და ბოლოა ჩვენი ცხოვრებისა
God has designed that the major part of the value of our life Is left to our own mental genius. You have got to decide what you want to become. Then you have to simply go do it, engaging in the disciplines
Whatever your hands currently find to do, do it with all your might. Whatever you are doing do it with all your might. We call that "philosophy on activity". How hard should you work? - As hard as you can!
ყველაფერი შეგიძლია წაართვა ადამიანს, არჩევანის გარდა. არჩევანს ვერ წაართმევ
"Let's just destroy the past" - No! That would be like saying well you don't need a body anymore, because your body is the collected wisdom of the evolutionary process across three and a half billion years
I do believe that especially for the radical leftist types the whole notion of free speech among individuals is not only anathema but also something that is not possible within their framework of reference
If you start to understand who you are, then you understand the Nazis. I can understand sex criminals. I can understand Nazis. And the reason for that is because I can see that as an aspect of myself, truly
ფუნქციის დაკარგვა არის ყველაზე საშინელი რამ, რაც შეიძლება ადამიანს დაემართოს
To direct the market means to impose the heavy hand of the state and it's potential pathologies on the market but to leave it alone completely means that it wanders randomly through an indeterminate landscape
If you confront the world forthrightly, if you speak the truth and you expose yourself courageously to those things that you are afraid of then your life will improve and so will the life of people around you
მიზნის მიღწევაა გამარჯვება, თუ მიზანი არაა, გამარჯვებაც რა თქმა უნდა, არ იქნება
When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't play at work. Don't work at play. Make best use of your time. When you are working pour it on and when you are playing - have a good time, but don't play at work
When you start to realize how much of what you've constructed of yourself is based on deception and lies, that's a horrifying realization and it can easily be 95% of you. Things you say, things you act out ...
You want to have a life that's so engaging that you think despite the fact that I am limited and that we are mortal and that life is tragedy and there is evil in the world, despite all that this is worth doing
Make sure you're winning the war / defend all the good you start!
Just be on the lookout of the things that can destroy all the good you start. The war is on. And this evening, tomorrow, mentally, personally, socially, economically, you got to make sure you're winning the war
არავისთვის არაფერი არ დაგენანოს. რაც დაგენანება სხვისთვის, ის შენ უკან დაგწევს
მიზნის მიღწევა, დროის, ფიზიკური და სულიერი ძალების მსხვერპლად გაღებას მოითხოვს
The problem is lack of an idea on how to create money and wealth. It isn't lack of money it's lack of ideas so if you get the idea so you can change anything. To get ideas you need a constant study of finding out
It's important to make the past useful. Past experience, even past losses, past failures, as well as successes, to review it, go back over it, see where you went wrong, correct that, invest that now in the future
ჩვენ ვართ წარსული და მომავალი შესაძლებლობები ერთად
ჩვენ ვართ არა მხოლოდ წარსული, რაც გამოგვივლია, არამედ მომავალი შესაძლებლობებიც
How powerful the human spirit can be if it's willing to take on the obligation of it's relationship with the devine. And also how terrible things can become if the responsibility of that burden is not shouldered
Anything that's outside of the hierarchy is a threat. Any stranger, any strange idea, any animal manifestation, any noise, any spirit,.. it's a threat to the integrity of the dominance hierarchy in many many ways
The world is full of darkness. Each of us have a little bit of light. If we release that light, if we shine properly... The world is a lesser place if you don't reveal from within yourself what you have to reveal