If you don't sow you don't reap. You don't even have a chance
If you learn that makes life worthwhile. You've got to learn!
There is nothing more complex in the cosmos than a human being
Nothing is so powerful ..
Nothing is so powerful as an idea that comes at the right time
Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
The fundamental rule when operating in chaos is tell the truth
You have to live well enough so that the suffering is worth it
The human self-consciousness is what separates us from animals
We look back for experience but we look forward for inspiration
You have to face what you don't want to face in order to fix it
Whatever they are, ignorant superstition is not a right category
It's better to be a warrior in a garden then a gardener in a war
Our lives are greatly affected by what we learn and what we know
How we feel is going to greatly determine how our life works out
Anything that is not part of your dominance hierarchy is a snake
Your political belief is strongly determined by your temperament
There is nothing more important than the ability to pay attention
God's judgement is something like - Freedom is better than safety
You have to believe things because you just don't know everything
How much you make is not the only hallmark of success in your life
If it's easy do it easy, if it's hard do it hard just get it done!
ძილი სიკვდილის ძმა არისო
Big things disappear when they get crooked and ideologically rigid
Smart people who work hard are disproportionately likely to succeed