Ant's don't settle for half. They go for all. All you possibly can, do the best you can.
Telling the truth is a good start because then you don't fool yourself about who you are
As the technology is supplanted the ideological polarization increases as the thing dies
You should be a monster, an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it
If you can't even clean up your own room who the hell are you to give advice to the world
Many people don't want to bear the responsibility of developing themselves as individuals
True happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is contained in what you become
Spoken word is now as powerful as the written word. That's never happened in human history
It's possible to do much better at the marketplace if you go to work primarily on yourself
If you want to do well it takes all of us to help each of us. You can't succeed by yourself
Take the classes to learn the skills. Get around people that will teach you the disciplines
Solution to the relationship between men and women fundamentally is monogamous social norms
Philosophy is simply what you know and what you know greatly affects how your life works out
Those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the world
Value makes the difference in results. You can't get more time but you can create more value
Men are more interested in things generally speaking and women are more interested in people
Relatively small differences in the average can produce walloping differences at the extremes
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If you care it all, you'll get some results. If you care enough you'll get incredible results
Be thankful for what you already have
Be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving sets up the situation where ideas can flow
The point of maximum proper being is right at the center of the border between chaos and order
For economic safety for the future my personal advice - you've got to have more than one skill
Jesus the master teacher said - don't just be listeners, be doers. The world admires the doers
Biggest predictors of success
We know what predicts success - IQ and conscientiousness are the biggest predictors of success