Male human beings are very involved in the raising of their children which makes them quite different than many large animals
Agreeableness is a maternal instinct trait
It's not like any system is perfect, but there's a difference between imperfect and consciously murderous
If your group at some point in the past did something reprehensible then you were de facto responsible in the present for that
As a member of a culture, you are somehow responsible for the past sins of that culture
Inside every human being there is a spark of divinity
Every single person is the center of the world
Every time you make an appropriate moral decision, and you manifest moral courage in the face of your own vulnerability, then you move the world one step farther from the break
every time you make a pathological moral decision, you move the world one step closer to complete annihilation
If you don't stand up for your beliefs you leave yourself bereft. You are open to the depredations of the infinite
You have to believe things because you just don't know everything
How powerful the human spirit can be if it's willing to take on the obligation of it's relationship with the devine. And also how terrible things can become if the responsibility of that burden is not shouldered
If your sacrifices are not first-rate the nature of your relationship with the infinite is going to suffer dreadfully
The closest a human being could ever get to direct confrontation with the absolute unknown was to look up at the night sky. Because the night sky, especially when it's sprinkled with stars confronts you directly with the fact of the infinite
The human self-consciousness is what separates us from animals
Nature of human being is such that it consists of a confrontation with the bounded finite with the unbounded infinite
Human beings are built to take tragedy but they are not built to take evil
People are redeemed one by one and not in groups. It's an individual project
If you took advantage of every opportunity you have, if you crawl through every window that was open to you, if you lived as perfectly as you could, your life would be justifiable on its own terms, despite it's suffering. And despite the tragedy in the world
You have to live well enough so that the suffering is worth it
The injunction behind religious thought, fundamentally, is that you should live your life in such a way that the suffering it has to contain because you are confined and vulnerable, is justified
God's judgement is something like - Freedom is better than safety
Whatever consciousness is, it comes in masculine and feminine embodiments. The masculine and feminine embodiment are equally representations of God
The union of masculine and feminine produces a kind of perfect wholeness