Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think they are affects us most
What affects us most?
To the pessimist the glass is always half empty. To the optimist the glass is half full. Why would the same measure affect people two different ways. Answer - it all depends on how you look at it. Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think they are affects us most
All he needs is one, he's got five
Pessimism - the deadly disease - always looking on the bad side, the problem side, the difficult side, checking all the reasons why it can't be done. Poor pessimist leads an ugly life. He doesn't try to figure out what's right, he tries to figure out what's wrong. He doesn't look for virtue, he looks for faults and when he finds them he's delighted - how ugly?! This is the poor guy looks through the window, doesn't see the sunset, he sees the specs on the window. And this poor guy says - "I've got five good reasons why it won't work". He is so dumb he doesn't know all he needs is one he's got five
It's not important how long you live what's important is how you live
Better to live 30 years full of adventure than 100 years safe in the corner
The language of the poor
I used to say - what if this happens? It's called "the language of the poor". What if this happens and on top of that if this was to happen look at the fix I'd be in I better not try
Don't ask for security, ask for adventure!
Timid approach to life
Some people never will have much, they're too cautious. You can also be too reckless but you can also be too cautious. This is called "the timid approach to life"
Jesus the master teacher said - don't just be listeners, be doers. The world admires the doers
Definition of resolve
Definition of resolve is "promise yourself you will never give up". I asked the kids - how long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give your average baby before you shut him off? Any mother in the world would say - you're crazy, my baby is going to keep trying until it learns how to walk. What a magic formula!
I will do it or die
"I'll do it or die". The man says: "I will climb the mountain. They've told me - It's too high, it's too far, it's too rocky, it's too difficult, it's never been done before but it's my mountain I'll climb it. Pretty soon you'll see me waving from the top, or dead on the side because I ain't coming back
Resolve says - I will
Resolve says - I will. Two of the most powerful words in the language - I WILL. Shortly put - I will do it or die
Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening. So let down the barriers. Take down the walls. The same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness. Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
Welcome every human experience
Desire can be triggered by something. Who knows what it might be. Sometimes desire waits and sleeps for something to happen. Maybe it's a book, maybe it's a song, maybe it's a sermon, maybe it's a lecture, a seminar, maybe it's the conversation of a friend, a happening, an event,.. who knows. Welcome every human experience. You never know which one is going to turn it all on. Even the bad experiences. Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening
Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening
If you went home tonight and in the next few days cleaned up a whole list of decisions that might furnish enough inspiration for the next 10 years. After you've decided getting on with it is easier than deciding. Sometimes decision is the toughest part
If it's easy do it easy, if it's hard do it hard just get it done!
You won't get everything you want. Simply sometimes it hails on your crop and rains on your parade. It's that kind of planet. But if you will work this goal setting formula you can get plenty for wealth and happiness
Make plans like an adult and believe in them like a child and the most incredible things will happen. Just try it for 90 days. Just try it
Ask with faith! That's the childish part of the equation. Believe you can get what you want like a child, not an adult. Adults are too skeptical
Goals become like a magnet. They pull you that direction and the better you describe them the more they pull
Ask with intelligence! Be clear! Be specific!
Ask with intelligence! Be clear! Be specific! Intelligent asking means how wide, how high, how soon, when, what size, what color, how much... Define what you want and describe what you want. That's powerful. Goals become like a magnet. They pull you that direction and the better you describe them the more they pull. So ask intelligently!
Don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon
Success is not in short supply