Asking is the beginning of receiving so start the process
Some people are always studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. I mean it depends on what end of it you want in on
Asking is the beginning of receiving
Asking is the beginning of receiving. Asking starts a unique process mental and emotional. I don't even know how it works. All I know is it works. It's like pushing a button and all this Machinery starts working. I don't know how, it just works. There's a lot of things you don't need to know how, just work them
Your goals are affecting you
Your goals are affecting you whatever they are. Your goals affect your handshake, your goals affect your attitude, personality. Your goals affect the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress... all day long we're being affected by our goals. Some people have goals but they have such lousy goal, the effect is bad
Different size and kinds of goals
Check the size of your goals and the kinds of goals. How big they are, what kind they are - affects you!
Get serious about your goals
Get serious about your goals. Put them on paper. Write them down. There's all kinds - his goals, her goals, their goals, business goals, financial goals, financial independence goals, family goals... There's so many things to work on on this. If you don't get busy and work on it sure enough the time will pass. And sure enough five years from now you'll wind up where you don't want to be, wear what you don't want to wear, driving what you don't want to drive, being what you don't want to be. Now is the time to fix it
The guy is 50 and he's broke and he's still smiling, that's not good
Somebody once wisely said - the people who fail to plan are planning to fail
Many people work hard on their job but they don't work hard on their future. They just let that slide. And the work involved is making plans. I know most people don't. I understand that. But don't let that be you!
Pain of losing & Joy of winning
We all grow from two experiences. One is called the pain of losing. The other one is called the joy of winning. We need both of them. Amplify them as much as you can. Which also means - make losing painful. If you set up something fooled around didn't get it put it on yourself. On the other side if you did get it, congratulate yourself. Self congratulations is a sign of maturity. Seeking congratulations is the sign of immaturity
When you check off something major, celebrate! Celebrate your achievements. Live it up! Have a party when you reach something you've worked for for a while
Part of the fun of having a list is checking it off
Your better future is a dream for yourself and for your family - where do you want to go, what do you want to do, what do you want to be, what do you want to see... You've got to dream dreams. There's a Bible phrase that says - without dreams and visions people perish. You've got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul
The best revenge is massive success
Somebody says to me - "If I had a million dollars I'd never work another day in my life". That's probably why the good Lord does not give them a million. They'd quit. They'd quit
Working for joy, satisfaction,.. not for money
I have some millionaire friends that keep working 10-12 hours a day, making more millions. And it's not because they need the money. It's because they need the joy and the satisfaction and the pleasure that comes from being a constant winner. It's not just the money anyway. It's the journey, not the money
Life has a mysterious way of hanging on to all the answers and only gives them up to the people that are inspired by reasons
Reasons can change your life
He said - "I don't think your current bank balance is a true indication of your level of intelligence". I was happy to hear that. He said - "I think you're much smarter than your present bank balance indicates" and that turned out to be true. I was much smarter. But of course my first question was well then why isn't it bigger and he said - "you don't have enough reasons. you've got enough intelligence but not enough reasons". Reasons can change your life
Reasons come first, answers come second. You don't get the answers to do well until you get the reasons
How fortunate are the people that find themselves greatly affected by somebody for personal achievement
Sometimes we will do things for somebody else we will not do for ourselves. We are made that way
Reasons make the difference in how your life works out
If you've got a good idea to share you should share it if there's one or a thousand
If you don't sow you don't reap. You don't even have a chance