The major question to ask on the job is not what am I getting paid here, the major question to ask on the job is what I am becoming here
The major question to ask on the job
The major question to ask on the job is not what are you getting, the major question to ask on the job is what are you becoming. The big question is not what am I getting paid here, the big question is - what am I becoming here. Because true happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is contained in what you become
Success is something you attract, not something you pursue. Success is looking for a good place to stay. So instead of going after it, you work on yourself [Personal Development]
Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world, and divided it up equally among everybody, it will soon all be back in the same pockets
Income does not far exceed personal development
You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are
10 years from now you will arrive. The question is: Where? Now is the time fix the next 10 years
How to be happy with what you've got while you pursue what you want
A rose on time is more valuable than a thousand dollar gift too late. It's not the amount that counts, it's the genius that counts. It's the ideas that count
Culture is a study. It's not an amount. Somebody says - if you have an amount of money you will be cultured - the answer is: No. Culture is a study. Culture is a refinement of the mind. Tu be cultured you must study culture and practice culture. Money does not solve the culture challenge
Money does not solve the happiness challenge. To be happy you got to study and practice happiness
Happiness is an art, not an accident
How many books will the community demand that you read every month approximately? About none! So if you are going to do the extra reading, guess what? You've got to develop that philosophy and put that pressure on yourself
Make the demands on yourself
The challenge of life is to make measurable progress in reasonable time
That's what life is all about - putting the first three together: 1. Good philosophy; 2. Attitude; 3. High activity - to get the ultimate called RESULTS. Results is the name of the game
Results is the name of the game
If you do your best and you make $10,000 a year, that's enough. If you do your best and you make a million a year, that's enough. Enough is not the difference between $10,000 and a million, ENOUGH is simply - doing the best you can
If you are capable of making a half million dollars a year and you make $50,000 a year, we call you LOSER. We don't call you LOSER because of the difference between $50,000 and a half million, we call you LOSER because you are not doing your best
If you want to put together a championship team, one simple requirement for all those who participate - just do your best. If everybody does their best, whatever that brings us to #1, #2 wherever we arrive when the final count is made is OKAY if we all know when it's over - WE DID OUR BEST
Do the best you can! In activity we call it "doing your best". That's all we ask, simply - your BEST
When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't play at work. Don't work at play. Make best use of your time. When you are working pour it on and when you are playing - have a good time, but don't play at work
Whatever your hands currently find to do, do it with all your might. Whatever you are doing do it with all your might. We call that "philosophy on activity". How hard should you work? - As hard as you can!
People who live mediocre lives are always looking forward to getting off. Successful people are always looking forward to getting on. Successful people don't want OFF, they want ON. They want to get on with the job. They rest only enough to gather strength