If you do your best and you make $10,000 a year, that's enough. If you do your best and you make a million a year, that's enough. Enough is not the difference between $10,000 and a million, ENOUGH is simply - doing the best you can
If you are capable of making a half million dollars a year and you make $50,000 a year, we call you LOSER. We don't call you LOSER because of the difference between $50,000 and a half million, we call you LOSER because you are not doing your best
If you want to put together a championship team, one simple requirement for all those who participate - just do your best. If everybody does their best, whatever that brings us to #1, #2 wherever we arrive when the final count is made is OKAY if we all know when it's over - WE DID OUR BEST
Do the best you can! In activity we call it "doing your best". That's all we ask, simply - your BEST
When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't play at work. Don't work at play. Make best use of your time. When you are working pour it on and when you are playing - have a good time, but don't play at work
Whatever your hands currently find to do, do it with all your might. Whatever you are doing do it with all your might. We call that "philosophy on activity". How hard should you work? - As hard as you can!
People who live mediocre lives are always looking forward to getting off. Successful people are always looking forward to getting on. Successful people don't want OFF, they want ON. They want to get on with the job. They rest only enough to gather strength
Make rest a necessity not an objective. The objective of life is not to rest. The objective of life is to accomplish. Full growth. Full accomplishment. Test the outer limits of your abilities. That's what life is all about. See what all you can do
It's push-shove world. So you can't relax too much and you can't rest too long. If you rest too long the weeds take the garden. And if you don't think so, we call you naive!
Don't rest too long. It's a push-shove world
God has designed that the major part of the value of our life Is left to our own mental genius. You have got to decide what you want to become. Then you have to simply go do it, engaging in the disciplines
Success is a doing. You actually now have to do it
To feel good about yourself do the best you can. Gather all you can during the summer. We call that the Ant's philosophy. Ant's don't settle for half. They go for all. All you possibly can, do the best you can. The greatest lift of self esteem is doing the best you can
Ant's don't settle for half. They go for all. All you possibly can, do the best you can.
To feel good about yourself do the best you can. Gather all you can during the summer
The greatest lift of self esteem is doing the best you can
One of the major things that makes us not feel good about ourselves is not engaging in the disciplines
To bring value from potential we need the disciplines
Self esteem comes from engaging in the disciplines that lead to value
If you want to do well it takes all of us to help each of us. You can't succeed by yourself
How the day goes is greatly determined by your confidence about the future
Set goals, write them down, design the future
It's difficult to be confident about the day if you don't have your future well designed. Here is one of the keys to do about your future - set goals, write them down, design the future - Where do you want to go, - What do you want to do, - What do you want to be, - What do you want to see, - What do you want to have, - What do you want to share Even if it all changes 12 months from now the key is to start making a list now
If you don't feel good about the future by having goals set you take what we call uncertain steps
How we feel is going to greatly determine how our life works out