No matter what they pay I always come early and I always stay late, to invest in my own future. Is not it fascinating? Attitude is by choice. You can either choose to come early or you can choose to come late. You can either choose to leave early or you can choose to stay late. Attitude is a matter of choice
You can't do what you don't know. But the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep occurring to you - now you can do more wise things. But philosophy is where it all begins - what you know
Life is accumulative. Our errors either accumulate into what we don't get, or our wise decisions accumulate into what we do get. Now the key is to correct the errors as early as possible
If you really want to help somebody / motivated idiot
If you really want to help somebody, change their life you have to start changing their mind, change their philosophy. Change how they think. Somebody said - well just motivation that'll do. The answer is - NO, motivation won't do it. If a guy's an idiot and you motivate him you got a motivated idiot
Poor thinking habits keep most people poor. Not poor working habits. Most people work hard but they don't think hard
Weight everything
Weigh everything before you do it, before you buy it, before you try it... make sure you weigh it
Ignorance is not bliss. It's important to know, it's important to get the information
What you don't know will hurt you
What you don't know greatly affects how your life works out. The idea you miss could be the missing number in trying to put the numbers in the lock
Philosophy is simply what you know and what you know greatly affects how your life works out
Poor people can talk and rich people can talk, looks like rich people talk better. It's just learning A skill with a high degree of precision. Learning to speak is called survival, learning to speak well is called success. So we can speak well enough to survive or we can speak the extra well enough to succeed
Success is not doing extraordinary things, success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well
Debate all the ideas
That's what university is for to debate all the ideas. Not just to buy them all, debate them all. And then decide what's best for you. Where to go from there. University is a great place to hear and exchange of ideas on a wide variety of major life topics and that's what it's all about. Taking the time to go through it
Be independent. Take advice but not orders. Only give yourself orders. Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusion
Be a student not a follower. Somebody says - I read this book should I follow? The answer is - no, read at least 2 books and make up your own mind.
if the why is powerful the how is easy
Why pay the price? Why work this hard? Why go this far? Why try to learn this much? Why try to do it all? Why try to see it all? Why try to have it all? Why do it? Why learn it? Why study? Why put yourself out? Why try to take on this much responsibility? Why develop yourself to the full? Why try to become all that you can possibly become? Why try to earn as much as you can earn? Share as you can share? Develop every skill you possibly can? See every human you possibly can? Go to every class you possibly can? Touch everybody you possibly can? Why do that much? Why go that far? Why share that much? Why give that much away? Why try to see everything? Why try to do everything? Why try to become everything? What's a good question - WHY, and you are the only one personally that can answer the question for yourself. You've got to have your own list of WHYs. Here's what I want you to do when you go home after you left this extravaganza - work on your list of WHYs. One of the big thrust of success is to come up with a strong enough why. In leadership training here's what we learned if the why is powerful the how is easy
If you struggle to make something clear for someone else, it helps to make it more clear for you
If you struggle to make something clear for someone else, it helps to make it more clear for you. if one person listens and one person speaks there is the opportunity for transformation for both. The listener to be enlightened to see something he never saw before, but the speaker to be better educated on how to represent by struggling with the language. The more you struggle to make it clear the clearer it gets for you. The listener could be transformed by what he hears and the speaker could be transformed by the exercise of speaking, trying to make it clear
Activity finishes the miracle process of turning nothing into something
Take the classes to learn the skills. Get around people that will teach you the disciplines
Deposit your imagination and faith into high, skillful, disciplined activity
If I can do it, you can do it. What's possible for one, is possible for another
The possibilities are absolutely endless and unlimited. Imagine the possibilities
Let life touch you! Let the stories touch you! Let the drama touch you! Let life touch you but don't let it kill you! Let sad things make you sad! Let happy things make you happy! There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry! Laugh with those that laugh and also learn to cry with those that cry! Allow yourself to be touched, moved by the drama! Be touched by good ideas! Be touched by opportunity! Be touched by someone's unique little sentence that might cause you to open your eyes to see things you never saw before!