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Jim Rohn
If you've got a good idea to share you should share it if there's one or a thousand
Jim Rohn
Find out how things work - Capture the ideas in your journal
Jim Rohn
The problem is lack of an idea on how to create money and wealth. It isn't lack of money it's lack of ideas so if you get the idea so you can change anything. To get ideas you need a constant study of finding out
Jim Rohn
The first key to doing better is find out. To change your life really you need ideas. There isn't anything an idea can't change
Jim Rohn
Bible is a good textbook for ideas and stories and success equations - how to live the better life
Jim Rohn
A rose on time is more valuable than a thousand dollar gift too late. It's not the amount that counts, it's the genius that counts. It's the ideas that count
Jim Rohn
You can't do what you don't know. But the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep occurring to you - now you can do more wise things. But philosophy is where it all begins - what you know
Jim Rohn
What you don't know greatly affects how your life works out. The idea you miss could be the missing number in trying to put the numbers in the lock
Jim Rohn
Debate all the ideas
Jim Rohn
Ideas plus inspiration