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#personal development
Jordan Peterson
Get the hell out of where you are safe into what you don't know. You are going to find the catastrophes of life but if you keep yourself morally oriented and you make the right sacrifices then you can transcend the catastrophe of being and prevail
Jordan Peterson
Many people don't want to bear the responsibility of developing themselves as individuals
Jordan Peterson
Get your act together! Have a vision! Straighten our your life! Say what you think! Stay away from the ideological idiocies and simplicity and oversimplifications and try to put yourself together!
Jordan Peterson
People can improve themselves I think to a degree that we don't understand. Because a human being for better or worse is something potential as well as something actual
Jim Rohn
If you learn ...
Jim Rohn
Learn all you can! We are affected by what we know so get the information. Don't be lazy in learning. Don't be lazy in going through the books, building your library, coming to classes like this consistently, consistently. Some of them will be so dramatic your life will never be the same
Jim Rohn
Our lives are greatly affected by what we learn and what we know
Jim Rohn
Read all the books! There's millions of books so you can't read all the books but read all the books you need to read to make you as wealthy as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as prosperous, as productive, as unique human being as you want to be. Don't leave those books go unread
Jim Rohn
Be a selective listener! Listen to voices of value that have experience, ideas, reputation, something valuable to share
Jim Rohn
Pay attention!
Jim Rohn
If you'll start making personal changes your income will change, your health will change, your future will change. Everything will change If you're willing to start making the changes
Jim Rohn
If you will change, everything will change for you!
Jim Rohn
Wake up call
Jim Rohn
Become a good reader!
Jim Rohn
Get excited like a child over your ability to make yourself do anything for change
Jim Rohn
If you wish to be successful study success! If you wish to be happy study happiness! If you wish to be wealthy study wealsh! Don't leave it to chance, make it a study! Some people just go through the day with their fingers crossed. See that won't do it. You've got to study the things that can change your economic, social, spiritual personal life!
Jim Rohn
The problem is lack of an idea on how to create money and wealth. It isn't lack of money it's lack of ideas so if you get the idea so you can change anything. To get ideas you need a constant study of finding out
Jim Rohn
You can't do what you don't know. But the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep occurring to you - now you can do more wise things. But philosophy is where it all begins - what you know
Jim Rohn
For things to change for you, you have to change