You won't get everything you want. Simply sometimes it hails on your crop and rains on your parade. It's that kind of planet. But if you will work this goal setting formula you can get plenty for wealth and happiness
I would caution any young women not to be deluded into the idea that their career will be of such high quality that it self evidently trumps having a family. You have to have a hell of a career before that's the case
You're not perfect man. There's hatred in you. And the probability that it's more powerful than love is pretty damn high. Look to your own viewpoint before you go out there and try to fix the hierarchies of the world
Human beings are emotional creatures. Emotions are powerful for life change. Emotions are so powerful they can go either way on you. Emotions can either build or destroy. So you really have to employ emotions properly
I am not an atheist anymore ...
I am not an atheist anymore, because I don't look at the world that way anymore. I am not a materialist anymore. I don't the world's made out of matter. I think it's made out of what matters. It's made out of meaning
You could be way better! You could be incompatibly better across multiple dimensions and in pursuing that better that's where you'll find the meaning in your life and that would give you the antidote to the suffering
What the people who are agitating for equality of outcome don't understand is that you have to cede so much power to the authorities to the government in order to ensure equality of outcome that a tyranny is inevitable
What's the right way of being in the world?
What's the right way of being in the world? - It's not acting according to a set of rules. It's attempting continually to transcend the flawed thing that you currently are. Meaning in life is to be found in that pursuit
Work produces: The miracle of good health. The miracle of a career. The mriacle of a relationship. The mriacle of a fortune. Only humans can do this. No other life form can imagine and create something from nothing!
If you are going to be creative it's because you are tormented by a problem. If you are not in a position to be tormented by a problem, you are not going to put in time and effort to take the risk necessary to be creative
I'm not in favor of unbridled hierarches. The proclivity of a hierarchy is that all the spoils go to the person at the top and that can destabilize the whole structure. We have to have a dialogue about how to rectify that
There's a tiny percentage of men who are hyper-competitive along those single axis of competition and maybe they drive most things. They probably do. But that doesn't make them right. It also doesn't make them most people
How many books will the community demand that you read every month approximately? About none! So if you are going to do the extra reading, guess what? You've got to develop that philosophy and put that pressure on yourself
Good people are not trained, they are found. You find good people. You don't make them good, you find them good. Training really is for the purpose of finding good people. You don't need much instruction for a good person
Truth and objective truth
The idea of truth is much older than the idea of objective truth. The original notion of truth wasn't objective true. When Christ said - I am the truth and the way - the truth he was talking about wasn't an objective truth
Stop saying things that make you weak! Stop telling lies that you know to be lies! Stop doing things you know to be useless and counterproductive! Aim high! Adopt some responsibility and then see what the hell happens!
If you face the malevolence and suffering that opens the door to your maximal potential. The optimistic part of that is although the suffering is great and the malevolence is deep, your capacity to transcend it is stronger
Some people don't do well because they major in minor things. You've got to be on the lookout. At the end of every week, at the end of every month you've got to check make sure you're not spending major time on minor things
Life was not designed to give you what you need, life was designed to give you what you deserve. If you didn't plant in the spring, then no harvest comes your way. If you planted little, then you are not gonna receive a lot
We primarily get paid for value. Bringing value to the marketplace - that's how you get paid. You don't get paid for the time. I know it takes time to bring value to the marketplace but you get paid for the value not the time
Take special care of the inner circle
Take special care of the inner circle - family, close friends. Nourish them, they'll nourish you. Inspire them, they'll inspire you. And take care of the details, the little things that makes it special for family and friends
If you are a creative type, who is kind of disorderly, then you are likely to be on the liberal left end of the distribution. And if you are a non-creative type and orderly, then you tend to be on the right wing end of things
You can't get rid of January by tearing it off the calendar. But here's what you can do - you can get stronger, you can get wiser and you can get better. The winters won't change but you can and that's how life changes for you
You need to organize your family with a certain amount of discipline and a certain amount of structure so that you get to do what you want, so that you are happy to have your kids around, so that you won't take revenge on them