Self motivation
Key phrase - self motivation. You’ve got to motivate yourself because I found out you can’t change people. They can change themselves, but you can’t change them. Lord knows some I’ve tried. People have to change themselves. It takes self motivation to really alter your life
How do you make the world better?
How do you make the world better? Tell the truth! Because the world you bring into being as a consequence of telling the truth will be a good world. I think it's true metaphorically, I think it's true theologically and I think it's true at the practical and scientific level as well
ვისი გჯერა? | სხვისთვის სარგებლის მოტანა
მჯერა ადამიანების, რომლებიც მიხვდნენ, რომ მათი დანიშნულება არის სხვისთვის რაღაცა ფორმის სარგებლის მოტანა
ჭეშმარიტი აღზრდა საკუთარი თავის აღზრდით იწყება. გინდა, შვილი აღზარდო? - აღზარდე საკუთარი თავი შვილთან ერთად
How to build a good life?
How to build a good life? Answer - it's simple. it's not easy, but it's simple. Select the right ingredients, keep out the wrong ingredients and it starts with thought. Everything starts with thought. So you must be wise and careful what you think about, because that starts everything
If you took a hundred classical composers ten of them produce half the music that's played. And then if you take the ten composers and you take a thousand of their songs, thirty of those songs which is the square root of a thousand roughly speaking are played fifty percent of the time
You're not going to score on every shot. It doesn't mean you shouldn't take the shots. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try to hit the goal. But part of being able to continue to take shots is to have the strength of character to tolerate the fact that in that instance you weren't on top
What's the best thing you can do?
You need some reason to get the hell out of bed on a terrible day because you've got something good to do. What's the best thing you can do? - Transcend your current wretched and miserable self. There's meaning to be found in that. That's a meaning that's associated with responsibility
შრომა ჩვენი ნიჭის სალესია. სადაც ეს სალესი არა გვაქვს, ათასი ნიჭიც რომ გვქონდეს, არაფერი გამოვა. ნიჭი ჩახმება
Culture is a study. It's not an amount. Somebody says - if you have an amount of money you will be cultured - the answer is: No. Culture is a study. Culture is a refinement of the mind. Tu be cultured you must study culture and practice culture. Money does not solve the culture challenge
Learn all you can! We are affected by what we know so get the information. Don't be lazy in learning. Don't be lazy in going through the books, building your library, coming to classes like this consistently, consistently. Some of them will be so dramatic your life will never be the same
ადამიანი თუ ქონების დაგროვებაზეა გადართული, მისთვის ეს ცხოვრება, რომელიც ისედაც ხანმოკლეა, უფერულად ჩაივლის
If you want to put together a championship team, one simple requirement for all those who participate - just do your best. If everybody does their best, whatever that brings us to #1, #2 wherever we arrive when the final count is made is OKAY if we all know when it's over - WE DID OUR BEST
Murder is a clear example that any one person any given day can forever alter the course of their life. It just happens to be a negative act. But just as sure as you can commit a negative act, you can also commit a positive act and forever alter your life. Whenever you wish. That's exciting
To be a winner...
To be a winner, you want to be disciplined, you want to know what you are doing and you want to be on the edge where your skills are being developed. That way you are at a place where losing is always a possibility, because otherwise you are not pushing yourself beyond your current capacity
მარადიულობის სიმართლე სულის მშვენიერებაშია. რაც უფრო გაამშვენიერებთ სულს, მით უფრო მარადიულობას ეზიარებით!
სკოლაში, ნებისმიერი სახის რეფორმა მხოლოდ მაშინ არის კარგი, თუ აუმჯობესებს და ხალისიანს ხდის ბავშვის ცხოვრებას
Read all the books! There's millions of books so you can't read all the books but read all the books you need to read to make you as wealthy as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as prosperous, as productive, as unique human being as you want to be. Don't leave those books go unread
Read the best you can, study the best you can, take the best notes you can and then do this - then you decide out of all of that which is valuable enough to try, valuable enough to do and add to the dimensions of your life that are already underway - that's the key for study, exercising the mind
What if they don't show up?
It takes self motivation to really alter your life. You don't want to give self motivation away to somebody else and make it somebody else to motivate you. The guy says - boy if somebody just come by and turn me on... - what if they don't show up? See you got to have a better plan for your life.
Take care
Take care of yourself! Take care of your intimate partner! Take care of your damn family! Don't run off! Take care of your community! Rescue the wisdom from the past! Stand up straight and be courageous despite the fact that life is tragic and tainted by malevolence! That's ancient wisdom
მინდა გისურვოთ, რომ გამარჯვებულები იყოთ ყოველ დღეზე. დღე თქვენი ძროხა ყოფილიყოს, რომელიც ძალიან უხვად იწველება
Hard work
I know some guys that work all the time. They don't just work, they work so efficiently and so effectively and make use of every second in ways you can't even imagine unless you're in that sort of position. Doing that doesn't mean you'll succeed but not doing it certainly means that you will fail
კეთილი იყავი, მოყვარული იყავი, შენი კი არ ეძებო, სხვის სასიკეთოდ იღვაწე და შენ იმდენი მოგეცემა, რამდენიც გჭირდება