Equality of outcome is an absolutely deadly doctrine. Equity doctrine is at the top of the list of radical left mistakes
ჩვენი სული ალმასია და ბრილიანტად უნდა ვაქციოთ
Disappointments are not special gifts reserved for the poor. Everybody has them. The difference is - what you do about them
Some people are always studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. I mean it depends on what end of it you want in on
ნიჭს სალესი უნდა. ეს არის - შრომა და შემოქმედება
Life has a mysterious way of hanging on to all the answers and only gives them up to the people that are inspired by reasons
Male human beings are very involved in the raising of their children which makes them quite different than many large animals
Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think they are affects us most
Now that's my opinion. Listen to the other lectures, listen to me and make up your own mind. Don't be a follower, be a student
If your group at some point in the past did something reprehensible then you were de facto responsible in the present for that
"everything you do dear is okay" - that's the terrible devouring mother from a psychoanalytic perspective. No! It's not okay!
It isn't an alternative political structure that's the countervailing force. It's spoken truth that's the countervailing force
მარცხი და წარმატება განუყოფელია ერთმანეთისგან
The first key to doing better is find out. To change your life really you need ideas. There isn't anything an idea can't change
Rational mind falls in love with its own productions or even more that it tries to elevate its productions to the status of God
Take full responsibility for what happens to you. It's one of the highest forms of human maturity. Accepting full responsibility
"Nobody can have anything that everyone else doesn't have at the same time" - that's the ultimate outcome of equality of outcome
Agreeable people overall make less money in the same positions and it's because they don't negotiate on their own behalf very well
learn to reap in the fall without apology. without apology if you do well, and without complaint if you don’t. That’s maturity
Simple explanation is a good explanation unless it's too simple but distinguishing between simple and too simple is no easy matter
მეტი გიყვარდეს, მეტი პატივი ეცი, თავმდაბალი იყავი
მასწავლებელი რისკის გარეშე მასწავლებელი არ არის
Success is something you attract
Success is something you attract, by becoming an attractive person. Success is not something you pursue, it's something you attract
ნიშნები ერთად უნდა შევკრიბოთ და ჩავყაროთ კოცონში