მზიანეთის კონსტიტუცია
გიყვარდეს ყველა იცხოვრე სინდისით იშრომე ყველასთვის სასიკეთოდ
If you look at your bank account and your income and you're not happy, there's sever places in the Bible to check to see what the heck's wrong so you can make the changes
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better; Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills; Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom; That's the key
ბოროტება ვერ ზრდის სიკეთეს, სიკეთეს კი შეუძლია ბოროტება დაადნოს
One of the most frustrating experiences in life is looking for an above average job with above average pay without becoming an above average person. It's called frustration
ბავშვის ზედმეტი კონტროლი ძალიან უშლის ხელს მასთან დამეგობრებას
რა წინააღმდეგობაც არ უნდა შეგხვდეს, მიიღე, როგორც კიბის საფეხური
Whatever you believe in terms of spirituality study, practice and teach! Don't leave your spirituality unstudied. Don't leave it unpracticed and Don't leave it untaught
ნათქვამია - სადაც კარგი მასწავლებელია, იქ კარგი მოწაფეები არიანო
Life and business is like the changing seasons. You can not change the seasons but you can change yourself. That's how life gets better for you - not by chance but by change
ცხოვრება იმდენად პატარაა, რომ მე არ მაქვს ცუდ ხასიათზე ყოფნის დრო
It's push-shove world. So you can't relax too much and you can't rest too long. If you rest too long the weeds take the garden. And if you don't think so, we call you naive!
Post modernism is a dead end from the perspective of applicable wisdom. It leaves you bereft and nihilistic. And that's not good because people can't exist without a purpose
ჯობია დავიწვათ სიყვარულში, ვიდრე ვიყინებოდეთ სიყვარულის გარეშე!
ნიჭი თესლივით არის, თუ დროულად არ გააღვივე შრომით, ეს ნიჭი ჩახმება
The best support system in the world is good friends. Collect and nourish those as priceless. Good friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you
Every time you make an appropriate moral decision, and you manifest moral courage in the face of your own vulnerability, then you move the world one step farther from the break
Things are tragic and difficult but there's always some stupid thing that you could do or someone else could do that could make it even worse than it has to be. So, that's life
ყველაზე კარგი მშენებლობა საკუთარი ბედისა სხვის ბედზე ზრუნვა არის
In fact you have to get good at one of two things in life - planting in the Spring or begging in the Fall or get somebody to do it for you. Those are about the only alternatives
Anonymous accounts in social networks are problematic because it certainly enables people to allow their worst to manifest themselves, especially if they are resentful and angry
Somebody says to me - "If I had a million dollars I'd never work another day in my life". That's probably why the good Lord does not give them a million. They'd quit. They'd quit
Success is something you attract, not something you pursue. Success is looking for a good place to stay. So instead of going after it, you work on yourself [Personal Development]
რელაქსაციური წესით მუსიკის მოსმენა სამკურნალოა
წყნარი, კლასიკური მუსიკის მოსმენა რელაქსაციური წესით, სამკურნალოა