The key to the better economic future
The key to the better economic future is to become an attractive person with an attractive personality, an attractive list of skills, your knowledge of the marketplace, your ability to deal with the variety of personalities. All of those things that anyone can learn with a bit of study, practice and repetition
Asking is the beginning of receiving
Asking is the beginning of receiving. Asking starts a unique process mental and emotional. I don't even know how it works. All I know is it works. It's like pushing a button and all this Machinery starts working. I don't know how, it just works. There's a lot of things you don't need to know how, just work them
If enough people take responsibility for getting their individual life's together then we'll get wise enough so we won't let this process of political polarization put us back to the same places that we went so many times in the 20th century. I don't see another antidote for it. It's not political, it's ethical
There is so many things you can do about gathering resources and wisely investing them so that you and your family are secure. Here's one thing to strive to become early in your life and career - financially independent - so that nobody or nothing has a claim on your assets. Accomplish that as quickly as possible
Bible is actually a story. It's a whole bunch of different books written by a whole bunch of different people edited over thousands of years and then assembled by committee. It's a really strange book but it has a narrative structure and that sort of emerged as a collective decision across these thousands of years
The great athlete and the great person is not only someone who's exceptionally skilled at what they do but who's trying to expand their skills at all times and the attempt to expand their skills at all times is even more important than the fact that they're great to begin with because the trajectory is so important
As you retreat from the chaos into your own little prison, you get weaker and weaker and the prison gets smaller and smaller and the chaos gets bigger and bigger. It's really an ugly pathway and you get more and more bitter and resentful and much more afraid of having your prison walls breached. It's a downward spiral
White lies and black truths
There are white lies and black truths. A black truth is when you use the truth in a way that isn't truthful - just like a white lie is when you lie in a way that isn't harmful. You can use the truth to wound and hurt and what that really means is that you've misused the truth and so it's actually a complex form of lie
Debate all the ideas
That's what university is for to debate all the ideas. Not just to buy them all, debate them all. And then decide what's best for you. Where to go from there. University is a great place to hear and exchange of ideas on a wide variety of major life topics and that's what it's all about. Taking the time to go through it
Your goals are affecting you
Your goals are affecting you whatever they are. Your goals affect your handshake, your goals affect your attitude, personality. Your goals affect the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress... all day long we're being affected by our goals. Some people have goals but they have such lousy goal, the effect is bad
What affects us most?
To the pessimist the glass is always half empty. To the optimist the glass is half full. Why would the same measure affect people two different ways. Answer - it all depends on how you look at it. Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think they are affects us most
Learn how to protect your crops all summer. You got to take care of what you start. Sure enough as soon as you've planted your garden in the spring, the busy bugs and the noxious weeds are out to take it. They'll take it, unless you prevent it. You've got to learn to prevent the Intruder from taking all the good you start
Good ideas are reserved for those that search
If you start to search, the odds are excellent you will find good ideas. If you search, you will find. Finding is reserved for those, that search. Ideas are not reserved for those that hope. They're not reserved for those that wish. They're not reserved for those who complain. Good ideas are reserved for those that search.
Incremental steps to success
You take an incremental step and well now you can lift 55 pounds instead of 52.5 pounds. It's one step on a very long journey and it starts to compound on you. So a small step today puts you in a position to take a slightly bigger step for the next day and you do that for two or three years. Man you are starting to stride!
The major question to ask on the job
The major question to ask on the job is not what are you getting, the major question to ask on the job is what are you becoming. The big question is not what am I getting paid here, the big question is - what am I becoming here. Because true happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is contained in what you become
Each of us need all of us
Each of us need all of us. One person doesn't make an economy. One person doesn't make a symphony orchestra. It takes all of us for each of us to be successful. Each of us need all of us and all of us need each of us. Each gift is important as we bring it to the table, as we bring it to the country, as we bring it to the community
You should be responsible because you need to have a deep meaning in your life to offset the suffering so you don't get bitter. And the way you do that is to bear a heavy load. To get yourself in check for you now and for you in the future and then to do the same for your family and your community. There's real nobility and meaning
I can't imagine anything we could possibly strive for in our society that would make it into hell faster than equality of outcome. Historical evidence for the pathology of that root is so strong. You have to be historically ignorant beyond belief or malevolent or resentful beyond comprehension in order to think that that's a good idea
Definition of resolve
Definition of resolve is "promise yourself you will never give up". I asked the kids - how long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give your average baby before you shut him off? Any mother in the world would say - you're crazy, my baby is going to keep trying until it learns how to walk. What a magic formula!
Ask with intelligence! Be clear! Be specific!
Ask with intelligence! Be clear! Be specific! Intelligent asking means how wide, how high, how soon, when, what size, what color, how much... Define what you want and describe what you want. That's powerful. Goals become like a magnet. They pull you that direction and the better you describe them the more they pull. So ask intelligently!
You do not reap what you sow but rather you always reap much more than what you sow. You don't get back what you put out. You get back much more than what you put out. It works both positive and negative. On the negative side it said - if you sow to the wind you reap the whirlwind. So you've got to get ready for that or you will be naive
Complaining, crying, whining, griping...
Complaining, crying, whining, griping, a Bible word called murmuring... see that will ace your future, spend five minutes complaining and you have wasted five, and you may have begun what’s known as economic cancer of the bone. Surely they will soon haul you off into a financial desert and there let you choke on the dust of your own regret
Your better future is a dream for yourself and for your family - where do you want to go, what do you want to do, what do you want to be, what do you want to see... You've got to dream dreams. There's a Bible phrase that says - without dreams and visions people perish. You've got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul
Be in every class you possibly can. Stay as long as you can. The key is not to be careless in the gathering of knowledge, not to be casual in the ideas that could double your health, triple your income, accelerate your career, secure your fortune, amplify your harvest, so don't be careless in the gathering of ideas. Absorb every one you possibly can