Analyze what's going on between you and whoever you're talking to, another person, whether it's a business conversation or a social conversation - you've got to be keenly aware of what's happening to whoever you're communicating with
Unfortunately many of the people who are talking about things like gender differences they have no idea what they are talking about. They don't know the literature. They don't know there is a literature. They don't understand biology
Go out there, find the dragon, confront it. It's a dragon, it might eat you, it's dangerous, but it's worse to cower at home and wait for it to come and devour you. Go out there! Confront it! Get the gold! Share it with the community
გამარჯვებულია ის, ვინც თავის ნიჭს შრომის სახით სალესი მოუნახა, ვისაც უყვარს შემოქმედება
Always keep a journal. Don't trust your memory. If you want to live a dynamic life, multiplying your income, multiplying your future, be a good student. If a good idea comes your way write it down, then ponder it, then perhaps go do it
მასწავლებელს უნდა თავისუფლება მივანიჭოთ და დავარწმუნოთ, რომ მას შეუძლია იყოს შემოქმედი
ხვალინდელი დღეო - ქრისტე ამბობს - თვითონ მოიტანს ხვალინდელ საქმეებს, დღევანდელი გააკეთეო
განათლებული ის არის, ვისშიც ღვთის თვისებებმა გაიღვიძა, ვისშიც უფლის თვისებები აღმოცენდა
Learn from personal experience. One way to learn to do something write is - first do it wrong. Mess up and then you say WOW! That was costly, I'm never gonna do that again. Sometimes a negative experience turns out finally to be positive
Each person's income is determined primarily by their philosophy not by the economy. Once I understood that, then I said - I don't have to go to work on the economy. You only have to go to work on yourself, to make yourself more valuable
You have to believe things or you could not exist, you could not act. You have to hold on to the dogmatic structure of your belief. But you have to be open for it's update on a continual basis. That's basically what consciousness is for
Tragedy combined with betrayal and malevolence makes life even worse. Especially if it's self induced. You need something to set against that so you don't get bitter and resentful. What do you set against that? Doing something worthwhile!
How many languages can a child learn?
I asked a school teacher - How many languages can a child learn ? Here is what she said - As many as you will teach them. They don't lack capacity; They don't lack intelligence; Certainly don't lack curiosity; They only lack a TEACHER
Agreeable people don't make as much money and the reason for that is to make money you actually have to be disagreeable. Because you have to go to your boss and say - give me some bloody money or something you don't like will happen to you
Despite how tragic life is and how malevolent things are, our spirit has the capacity to confront it courageously and fix it, not only to deal with it psychologically but to deal with it practically. And that we could make things much better
The closest a human being could ever get to direct confrontation with the absolute unknown was to look up at the night sky. Because the night sky, especially when it's sprinkled with stars confronts you directly with the fact of the infinite
ავტორიტარული პედაგოგიკა შლის ახალ თაობას,.. რეფორმა უნდა მოხდეს მასწავლებლის ცნობიერებაში
If you want to change the world you start from yourself and work outward because you build your competence that way. I don't know how you can go out and protest the structure of the entire economic system if you can't keep your room organized
თითოეული მშობელი მომავალი წლების მხატვარია. ჩვენი შედევრები გამოიფინება 10-15-20-30 წლის შემდგომ
აღზრდაში არ შეიძლება რომელიმე დღე გამოტოვო. ხვალ აღვზრდიო - არ არსებობს. ან დღეს, ან არასოდეს
Sometimes from the bitterest experience comes the greatest awakening. So let down the barriers. Take down the walls. The same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness. Let life touch you, don't let it kill you but let it touch you
Where is the meaning?
Where is the meaning? - The meaning is in responsibility. It's a burden but voluntarily hoisted. It's the place of maximal meaning and the more responsibility you take the more meaning you have and that's the antidote to the catastrophe of life
ბედი დროში და სივრცეში ყალიბდება. თუ დრო და სივრცე გავუშვით ხელიდან, ბედი ხელიდან გაგვეშვება
ადამიანი მაშინ კი არ ყალიბდება როგორც მებრძოლი, როცა ყველაფერი აქვს, არამედ მაშინ, როცა უჭირს