ბედნიერება რომ მოიპოვოთ, ამისთვის საჭიროა ბრძოლა, ნებისყოფა, ხვალინდელი დღის დანახვა და სიხარულით სვლა ამ გზაზე
მასწავლებლებო, თვალებით სიყვარული გაუგზავნეთ ბავშვებს
მასწავლებლებო, თვალებით სიყვარული გაუგზავნეთ ბავშვებს. თვალებს სულის ძალა მიაქვთ. დისტანცია არ აქვს ამ ენერგიას
შეგიძლია ხელის გულზე ატარო შენი ცოლი?
ხელის გულზე ატარე შენი ცოლი. ნახე როგორ გაგეფურჩქნება, უფრო გალამაზდება, უფრო განაზდება,.. შენც გაახალგაზრდავდები
If you really want to help somebody / motivated idiot
If you really want to help somebody, change their life you have to start changing their mind, change their philosophy. Change how they think. Somebody said - well just motivation that'll do. The answer is - NO, motivation won't do it. If a guy's an idiot and you motivate him you got a motivated idiot
Learn to measure progress!
Learn to measure progress! Once you've set up a project, now you want to torn nothing into something, now you must measure your progress. How are you doing? Life expects us to make measurable progress in reasonable time. That's the game of life. Measure your own progress. Success is a numbers game
I will do it or die
"I'll do it or die". The man says: "I will climb the mountain. They've told me - It's too high, it's too far, it's too rocky, it's too difficult, it's never been done before but it's my mountain I'll climb it. Pretty soon you'll see me waving from the top, or dead on the side because I ain't coming back
Working for joy, satisfaction,.. not for money
I have some millionaire friends that keep working 10-12 hours a day, making more millions. And it's not because they need the money. It's because they need the joy and the satisfaction and the pleasure that comes from being a constant winner. It's not just the money anyway. It's the journey, not the money
How do you know when you are incrementally self improving?
Incremental self-improvement is the proper route. So how do you know when you're incrementally self improving properly? - The answer is it's deeply engaging. It's deeply meaningful. And the reason for that is you're actually adapted neurologically to identify the pathway of maximal incremental improvement
გადადებული საქმე არ ნიშნავს, რომ დასრულდება. გააჩნია საქმეს, აღზრდაში გადადებული საქმე არ სრულდება, რჩება ნაკლოვანი
No matter what they pay I always come early and I always stay late, to invest in my own future. Is not it fascinating? Attitude is by choice. You can either choose to come early or you can choose to come late. You can either choose to leave early or you can choose to stay late. Attitude is a matter of choice
Pay attention!
Pay attention! If you just watch you can pick up clues. Success leaves clues. If you will be a better observer of the winners and the losers those that are doing well and those that are falling behind and just take mental notes and good notes and say - I'm going to adjust what I am doing based on what I see
When writing an essay pick a topic that matters to you
How do you write a good essay? - Pick a topic that matters to you because if you are not writing about something that matters to you it's like you are not living something that's meaningful. It's wrong. You are not going to write a good essay because you are wrong write to begin with. It has to matter to you
Poor people can talk and rich people can talk, looks like rich people talk better. It's just learning A skill with a high degree of precision. Learning to speak is called survival, learning to speak well is called success. So we can speak well enough to survive or we can speak the extra well enough to succeed
Your house needs a lot of work man. There's a lot of rot in the floorboards. The plumbing is leaking. The water's coming in. You're not the sage and Saint you think you are. There's so much work you have to do on yourself that it would damn near kill you to take a look at it, to do everything you possibly can
The key to the better economic future
The key to the better economic future is to become an attractive person with an attractive personality, an attractive list of skills, your knowledge of the marketplace, your ability to deal with the variety of personalities. All of those things that anyone can learn with a bit of study, practice and repetition
Asking is the beginning of receiving
Asking is the beginning of receiving. Asking starts a unique process mental and emotional. I don't even know how it works. All I know is it works. It's like pushing a button and all this Machinery starts working. I don't know how, it just works. There's a lot of things you don't need to know how, just work them
If enough people take responsibility for getting their individual life's together then we'll get wise enough so we won't let this process of political polarization put us back to the same places that we went so many times in the 20th century. I don't see another antidote for it. It's not political, it's ethical
შიდა მოცემულობა მთლიანად ჩვენ ხელშია
გარე მოცემულობა ხშირად ჩვენ კონტროლს მიღმაა, თუმცა შიდა მოცემულობა ყოველთვის ჩვენ ხელშია და სრულად შეგვიძლია მართვა
დილას არის ფსიქიკა ყველაზე დასვენებული. ამიტომ, ჯობია 10-ზე დაიძინო და დილას 6-ზე ადგე, ვიდრე ღამის 3-ზე დაიძინო და 12-ზე ადგე
დედის გული, თუ მართლაც უნდოდა დედას ბავშვი, სიბრძნით არის სავსე, და ეს სიბრძნე არასდროს არ გიღალატებთ ბავშვის აღზრდაში
There is so many things you can do about gathering resources and wisely investing them so that you and your family are secure. Here's one thing to strive to become early in your life and career - financially independent - so that nobody or nothing has a claim on your assets. Accomplish that as quickly as possible
გეჩქარება, მაგრამ, ყველაფერი შეიძლება გადაიდოს ხვალისთვის, ყველაფერი. არაფერი არ არის გადაუდებელი, გარდა სიყვარულისა
Bible is actually a story. It's a whole bunch of different books written by a whole bunch of different people edited over thousands of years and then assembled by committee. It's a really strange book but it has a narrative structure and that sort of emerged as a collective decision across these thousands of years
აღმოსავლეთი ამბობს, ნებისყოფა ღმერთია ადამიანშიო. რა საკვირველია ღმერთი ერთია, მაგრამ თვითონ ნებისყოფა ღმერთის ძალაა