Confront chaos voluntarily Establish and revivify order Constrain malevolence That's a good three-part for life
One of the greatest motivating factors in the world is progress. And if you'll measure it, you'll get excited
All he needs is one, he's got five
Pessimism - the deadly disease - always looking on the bad side, the problem side, the difficult side, checking all the reasons why it can't be done. Poor pessimist leads an ugly life. He doesn't try to figure out what's right, he tries to figure out what's wrong. He doesn't look for virtue, he looks for faults and when he finds them he's delighted - how ugly?! This is the poor guy looks through the window, doesn't see the sunset, he sees the specs on the window. And this poor guy says - "I've got five good reasons why it won't work". He is so dumb he doesn't know all he needs is one he's got five
What do you want to do the next 10 years?
Take some time and decide what you want. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do the next 10 years, 20 years? What would you like to become? How many skills would you like to learn? What are the books you want to read? How about the people you want to meet? The cities you want to visit, experiences you would like to have over this next period of time. Start thinking about all of that. Write it all down!