If you don't have any money, it's really hard to get some. Once you have some, it's not so hard to get some more
If you confront the world forthrightly, if you speak the truth and you expose yourself courageously to those things that you are afraid of then your life will improve and so will the life of people around you
There's a tiny percentage of men who are hyper-competitive along those single axis of competition and maybe they drive most things. They probably do. But that doesn't make them right. It also doesn't make them most people
თუ მშობელმა რაღაცა დაგაკლოთ აღზრდაში, მიაშველეთ ამას თვითაღზრდა. მშობელს შეიძლება შეეშალა, ან არ იცოდა, ან დრო არ ჰქონდა, ანა პურის ფული უნდა ეშოვა,... მაგრამ სიცოცხლე ხომ მოგცა. გამოასწორე!