Biggest predictors of success
We know what predicts success - IQ and conscientiousness are the biggest predictors of success
The great athlete and the great person is not only someone who's exceptionally skilled at what they do but who's trying to expand their skills at all times and the attempt to expand their skills at all times is even more important than the fact that they're great to begin with because the trajectory is so important
თავისუფლება უდრის წესიერებას
თავისუფლება მიიღწევა მხოლოდ იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ შენ ხარ წესიერი. თავისუფლება უდრის წესიერებას
It's a horrible thing to realize that you are a human and what being human means. Christ to Satan, that's the human being