sometimes it's going to hail on your crop and rain on your parade so got to get ready for that or you will be naive. That's just part of the life arrangement
if you sow to the wind you reap the whirlwind. So you've got to get ready for that or you will be naive
You do not reap what you sow but rather you always reap much more than what you sow
You do not reap what you sow but rather you always reap much more than what you sow. You don't get back what you put out. You get back much more than what you put out. It works both positive and negative. On the negative side it said - if you sow to the wind you reap the whirlwind. So you've got to get ready for that or you will be naive
If you sow bad you reap bad. If you plant thistle seeds you don't get pumpkins. If you sow good you reap good. If you plant pumpkin seeds you don't get thistles
Whatever you reap is what you've sown. If you don't like the crop who do you look up? Answer - whoever planted it. Where do you find who planted your crop? Answer - in the mirror
Whatever you sow you shall reap
Whatever you do not employ you forfeit
Law of use
Law of use - whatever you don't use, you lose. Lack of use causes loss
There's nothing worse than being stupid. Being broke is bad but being stupid is awful. And what's really bad is being broken stupid. That's about the end of the world. There is not anything much worse than that. Unless you're sick. Sick broken stupid... there is nowhere else to go. So make sure you get the information. It's key. You don't have to like it but learn it!
Make sure you get the information. What you think about it that's up to you. What you're going to do with it that'll soon be up to you but make sure you get it
You don't have to like the setup. I don't ask you to like how it is. That's not what's important. But it's important to learn how it is. You don't have to like it but you should learn it
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is tragedy. You have got to know or you are going to get hurt
Now that's my opinion. Listen to the other lectures, listen to me and make up your own mind. Don't be a follower, be a student
Become a good reader!
All of the successful people I know and work with around the world they're all good readers. Curiosity drives them to read. They have got to know. They just read read read read ... Become a good reader!
Trust is a childish virtue but the rewards are incredible. So be like a child
Have faith like a child! Adults are too skeptical
Get excited like a child over your ability to make yourself do anything for change
Be curious like a child
You may not be able to do all you find out. But you should find out all you can do
If you wish to be successful study success! If you wish to be happy study happiness! If you wish to be wealthy study wealsh! Don't leave it to chance, make it a study! Some people just go through the day with their fingers crossed. See that won't do it. You've got to study the things that can change your economic, social, spiritual personal life!
Put the information in your journal. Don't use your head for a filing cabinet
The problem is lack of an idea on how to create money and wealth. It isn't lack of money it's lack of ideas so if you get the idea so you can change anything. To get ideas you need a constant study of finding out
The first key to doing better is find out. To change your life really you need ideas. There isn't anything an idea can't change